Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

The last couple of days were spent in isolation. I was trying to figure out how I wanted this stupid second song to go. Look at me; I had only written two songs so far! A normal music album has ten to twenty songs! I had to get this done if my mom was going to live. But the music wouldn’t click with the words.

I had tried everything. Piano, guitar, and anything else I could find to use as an instrument. Still nothing.

Suddenly it hit me. I didn’t need an instrument. I would just use my voice. Screw the guitar, piano, or anything for that matter. It made my voice more exposed, but I didn’t care. I don’t need auto tune to make my voice sound pretty, and I don’t want a band drowning out my voice.

Standing from my comfy haven, and taking my pad of music, I flew down the stairs and hailed a taxi to take me to the recording studio. It took much logner than I expected, a whole forty five minutes, and I had to pay for it, but it gave me time to think about Gabe.

I had kinda acted out a little the other day, hadn’t I? Maybe I was letting my little crush get in the way of what really mattered. I had let my feelings get in the way of helping my mom. Should I apologize to Gabe when I see him? A million thoughts floated through my mind as I walked up several flights of stairs and down a long hallway to the recording studio. The door was slightly open, and I could hear several voices. One of which was Gabe’s.

“She hasn’t listened to the contract at all!” A stranger shouted.

“But she has a lot on her mind right now. This is a new life for her, give her some time to get used to it.” Another man reasoned.

“Well, what do you think, Gabe? She’s your client.” The first man asked. Silence fell among the group.

“I don’t know what to do with her.” He answered blankly.

“What do you mean? Do you think we let her go?” The second man asked.

“No. She’s talented! She could be the next hit! Something we need. Look at her lyrics for the last two songs she’s given us! That’s gold. You don’t come across an artist with that much passion these days. She’s too golden to lose.” The first man interjected.

“I don’t think she’s that talented. And how is she going to step up her game, huh? She’s got people like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Adele, and thousands of others to compete against. We know how rough this world is. Do you honestly think she’s ready for it?” The second man argued.

Feeling like I couldn’t continue to listen to them talk about me, I quietly knocked on the door and entered, pretending like I hadn’t heard anything. All three men once again, turned and stared at me. Obviously, they weren’t expecting me. I stared at the floor once looking into Gabe’s hurt eyes.

“Uh…I have that song from yesterday, if you want to hear it.” I offered, still keeping my eyes on my shoes.

“Go right ahead, Rae.” The man who was in favor of me staying said, opening the door for me. I stood at the microphone, back a couple steps, like I was told the first day. Gabe and the two guys looked a little puzzled when I told them they could start.

“What about an instrument?” Gabe asked hesitantly. I shook my head.

“Don’t need it.” I responded coldly. The guys exchanged glances, shrugged and gave me a thumbs up. The floor was mine.

I’m washing you away like the tides

I thought we had a chance, but it died

I’m letting you go

I’m setting me free

It’s about time I decided to leave

Cause I’ll always be your second choice

You only call me up when you can’t hear her voice

I’ll always be your rebound girl

The one that you miss, but you’re really missing her

You’ll always miss her

I’m letting you drown in the rain

Every time we get so close, you start us over again

I’m letting you go

I’m setting me free

You’re finally watching me leave

Cause I’ll always be your second choice

You only call me up when you can’t hear her voice

I’ll always be your rebound girl

The one that you miss, but you’re really missing her

You’ll always miss her

Can’t you see what you did to me?

I was going crazy over you

You messed me up, turned me upsie down

And now I can’t wait to leave this stupid town

You knew I’d always be your second choice

You only called me when she didn’t want to hear your voice

You knew I’d always be your rebound girl

The one that you love, but for her you’d give the world

Yeah I’ll always be your second choice

You only call me up when you can’t hear her voice

I’ll always be your other girl

The one that you miss, but you’re really missing her

You’ll always miss her

I smiled politely as I finished and I watched as smiles lit up all three men’s faces. Guess I had proved them wrong. Gabe rushed into the room and wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug.

“I’m so sorry.” He whispered into my hair. I nodded, hugging him back. “Hana’s gone now; she’s got something else to do. So I can catch up with you now and you can be my center of attention.” He announced, letting me go and smiling at me. I faked a smile, a little happy that she was gone, but upset that I was letting myself fall for his games again.

But who was I to say they’re games? I knew that I had serious trust issues. Maybe it was time to just let myself go and trust Gabe? Who knows where life could take me now? But I just needed to fall, and pray that he’d catch me.

“You’re gonna have to come back tomorrow with two new songs.” One of the men announced, stepping into the room and interrupting our alone time. I nodded, still focused on Gabe.

“You should probably get home to work on them. I’m gonna take you out to dinner, Rae. Chinese sound good?” I nodded happily, glad he remembered what my favorite food was. I quickly excused myself from the room and listened for a moment to see what they thought.

“Well that’s gonna be a hit.” One of them said.

“Not singing without accompaniment is risky, don’t you think?”

“I like her better without it.” Gabe said. “Now if you guys don’t mind. I’ve got business to attend to.” He stepped out of the room before I could get away and his eyes landed on me. “You heard?”

“Every word.” I responded, half smiling.

“Well you were good, Rae. I won’t deny you that.” He patted my back before walking ahead of me toward the elevator. “You coming?” I nodded, running to catch up to him. 

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