Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Holy crap. What did I just do?! Did I just sing one of the notes flat? I think I screwed up with one of the chords. Crap, does this make my chances slimmer?! Did they like me?! I think their faces were more serious looking. What if they were all smiley for the others and not me??

You don’t even know how nervous I was. My mind was reeling, my fingers were twitching, and a million thoughts were running through my already freaking out mind. I couldn’t sit down, so I began to pace around the room, thinking some more.

“My little princess, you are something else. It’s ok to be loud. Speak clearly, speak loudly, speak distinctly, speak with conviction. It’s ok if your thoughts are different. Dare to be different! That’s what keeps us engaged and learning.” Mama explained in her bed.

“But I don’t wanna be different!” I protested.

“Raina. Trust me.” She said before drifting back asleep.

“Different.” I scoffed. “No one these days likes different.” My pacing slowed to a stop as a second man in a black suit opened the door. I froze in fear.

“You’re needed back in the business room. I assume you know your way.” He said without emotion. Gulping, I nodded, walking out the door. The man was gone, and now I was walking alone to find out what the hell my fate would be. I turned another corner and was standing in front of the glass door. All the executive guys were sitting there, watching me. Slowly, my hand reached for the handle, and I weakly opened up the door.

No one else was in there. It was just me. Holy crap, I didn’t make it. They’re gonna tell me when I’m alone so that if –no when—I start to cry, no one else will see. Actually, no, I’ve gotta stay strong.

“Miss Rae. You’re here because you wanted to sing, correct?” The man at the head of the table asked. I nodded my head, waiting for the news. “Do you love singing?” He asked. This time, I nodded more confidently. I did love singing. “Then how would you feel about singingforourrecordcompany?” He finished the sentence really fast and I really couldn’t tell what he was saying.

“I’m sorry what?” I asked, holding back the tears that were threatening to spill out at any moment.

“Do you wanna sing for us or not, kid?” Another guy asked, sounding impatient.

“WHAT?!” I screamed. No. This couldn’t be happening. They picked me?! There were the other four girls who deserved it so much more than I did! They had reasons to sing! Mine was just stupid. And they still picked me?! What the hell was going on. This had to be a prank. “You’re kidding right?”

“Does it look like we are?” Another man at the table asked, smiling warmly.

That’s it. I started to break down. No that’s not even half as clear as what really happened. I was balling. Snot was dripping all over me, I could barely see out of my eyes because they were so watery. And the most embarrassing part was that I was crying this hard in front of a bunch of producers. Like my managers, or bosses. That’s freaking awkward. And they didn’t have any tissues, so to make things worse, I had to rub my snot all over my arm. That must’ve made me look so good. I was eventually able to calm down a little, just in time for mystery guy to show up. What the hell?! Why is he always around?!

“Rae, meet your new agent, Gabriel.” The head guy announced. Wait—which guy was Gabriel?!?!

“Who is that?” I asked. The boss leader guy pointed to someone behind me. Crap. Mystery guy. He was my agent?!!?

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