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"Excuse me, what?!" You ask again shocked , they just said y/n's parents had been in an accident.

"Sir, mr and miss y/l/n were in a car accident...her father has sadly, died" you can tell that the man choked on the word 'dead' you don't blame him though, someones parent died, that's devastating "Her mother is in the hospital, she wants y/f/n to be there in case she...dies too. She is in the national London hospital ward 5 in with dr.-"

"Sorry sir, we are in a different town right now. Can we call you back when we are at the hospital" Dan says into the phone while biting his nails in stress.

"That can be arranged. Just, hurry...I'm not supposed to say this but...she- she might not make it through the week" he sighs into the phone.

"W-were going straight to the hospital now! Thanks sir!" Dan says before pressing 'end call' and grabbing your arm.

"We've got to walk her up now!" Dan shouts as he drags you into her room. She was sleeping peacefully.

Dan walks over to her with tears in his eyes. You just stand there as the water floods from your eyes and drips down your face.

"Y/n...y/n! Wake up!" He says while shaking her. She opens her eyes and starts to rub them.
"No time to speak! Just grab your suitcase, put your shoes on and meet us downstairs!"


Your POV

You get pulled into the taxi by Dan. Phil runs to the front of the car but you can't hear what he's saying. He was rushing though.

Phil hops back into the car and sits next to Dan. While half asleep you try to think about what's happening.

They look stressed. Phil was stroking his heart back and fourth and Dan was tapping his feet speedily on the car floor.

"W-what's going on?" You ask which makes Phil turn around and sigh.

"Well you see...your parents were in a-" before he can finish Dan cuts in.

"PHIL NOT NOW!" He spits out as he hits Phil's hand away.

"WHEN THEN?! WHEN SHE'S STARING AT HER MOTHERS DEATHBED?!" Phil shouts back at Dan getting irritated.

You feel nauseous.
"Deathbed?" You ask which makes them both glance at you with tears in their eyes.

"What has happened! Tell me!" You demand while looking at their puppy dog eyes.

"I'll tell her" Phil nods as he tells Dan, dan nods back "your parents...were in a car accident...and your father is, i-is ... dead"

The word 'dead' stabs you in the stomach and makes you curl up into a ball. You don't know why, he was such a bastard, but you cry. You stay to bawl. You fall onto dans shoulder and start to curse the car and curse his driving. The tears start to roll onto his shoulder but he just sits there.

You wipe the tears from your eyes and sit up.

"What about my momma?" You ask as you sniff  and wipe your nose. They both look at eachother again.

"She's in the hospital, that's where we are heading now! ... a-are you okay?" Dan asks as he wipes your tears with his soft hands.

"I'm fine..." you take a deep breath and look to the floor and start to laugh a bit " I don't know why I'm crying. He was such a bitch to me-"

"He was still your father...we are not that far from the nearest hospital now! I'm going to call that man and see if we are by the right one!" Phil says as he takes out his phone.


You all sprint to the specific door that the man on the phone had instructed you's to go to.

"She's in there" Dan mumbles while pointing at the white-painted wooden door in front of your feet.

You nod and walk in, to see an almost lifeless pale woman lying on a bed with needles hanging out of her arm.

She hears the door opening and sits up on the hospital bed. Her eyes suddenly fill with tears.

"Y/n?!" She asks as she looks behind you to see Dan and Phil.

"Oh momma!" You cry as you run over to her.
"Oh my baby!" She yelps back as she starts to hug you.

You both embrace for a good minute until she pulls away and starts to wipe her tears. You do the same.

"Mum, what happened?" You ask making her sigh a bit.

"...oh well, me and your father got in a bit of an argument and he started yelling-... but that doesn't matter now! We are all safe and sound! I got here before him so I didn't see what ambulance your father got into but I'm sure one of the nice ladies outside wouldn't mind showing you his room so you can speak to him-" she squeals. But you cut her off.

"Mum!" You interrupt as you squeeze your eyes fighting back the tears.

"Yes, darling?" She asks as she raises an eyebrow and starts to glance over to Dan and Phil.

"Dads...da-...dads dead" you spit the words out as you wipe you face and sigh a bit. Your mothers face drops instantly and tears roll down her face.

"W-what?" She asks as she starts to crawl up into a ball.

"He's...he's dead" you admit as you look to the floor. She starts to bawl and the tears fall onto the bed. You cry too.

"No no no no, h-he can't be" she cries out as she starts to pant a bit. Her hands starts to shake and she starts to breath more heavily.

"Mum...mum! Mum your panicking! MUM!" You scream as she just sits there shaking.

The machines start to beep speedily and doctors starts to burst in.

"The line!" One of them scream. They all push you out of the way and starts to put stuff over her mouth.

"MUM!" You scream as Dan and Phil grab you from behind and start to drag you out.

"NO! I NEED TO SEE HER! MUM! MUUUUUUM!" You screech as they pull you out of the room and slam the door.

You fall onto the hospital hallway floor and start to cry. Dan and Phil sit next to you and hug you.

Before anything else can happen you start to hear frequent beeps and then one last long beep.

You sit up and stare into the room.

"MUM!...MUM, momma-" you start to cry and you head falls onto Phil's chest.

Loosing her {phan X reader}Where stories live. Discover now