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You waited at the gate for Amber when she comes leaping towards you.
"I'm so exited!!!" She shouts while jumping up and down.
"You can't tell anyone where we live though...all the crazy phangirls!" You say while calming her down
"I won't don't worry!" She squeals.

"Follow me then!" You say as you walk away, she runs after you.
"Should I just call them Dan and Phil?" She asks which makes you giggle
"Yeah ... don't worry don't be scared, they don't bite!" You say which makes her laugh

You two were walking up your street when your foot hits a tree stump. You go flying but before you hit the ground someone grabs you up and hugs you...Amber.

"T-thank you" you stutter noticing she's hugging you. She let's go and blushes
"No p-problem" she says getting embarrassed because she blushed.

You walk up to the door and knock on it. A few seconds later Phil answers it which makes Amber scream.
"Woah ... calm down" you say but she doesn't listen
"Who's this?" Phil asks while inviting you's inside.
"This is Amber!" You say which makes her smile.

"Dan, y/n got a friend round!" Phil screams as he walks you's into the front room. You see Dan sitting on the sofa watching Sherlock.
Amber screams again which makes them both jump in terror.
"Hey Dan! We're just gonna go to my room!" You say dragging Amber away before she fangirl she any more!

You push her onto the bed and laugh.
"Your too much Amber!" You say while laughing.
"A-after can I have a picture with you and them?" She asks which surprises you.
"Of course! ... but first let's just chill in here!" You say as she nods in agreement.

She turns on 'fall away' by Tøp.
"I love this!" You say as you sit on the bed next to her. You start to think.

"Why did you leave your school?" You suddenly ask her out of the blue.
"Oh...I got bullied, I had no friends, but I'm glad your my friend" she says with a warm smile
"Same...I haven't had a real friend all my life...your the only one that has bothered...but they always leave" you say as you look away at the ground. She gently lifts your chin back up and says

"Too bad your stuck with me...I'm not going to leave" she says which makes you laugh a bit.
"I feel weird" you say while rubbing your stomach ... you hadn't felt this in a long time.

"It's called being loved" she says which makes your face turn pale
"L-loved ..." you say while she smiles
"...o-oh Sorry if I'm making you feel weird!" She say embarrassed and blushing
"N-no...I'm fine with being loved" you say which makes her smile and then smirk.

She leans in and your lips meet, at first your startled so you freeze but then you just kiss her back. You hold her cheeks gently while she holds your waist.

The door suddenly opens
"Hey y/n-" Phil walks through the door and sees you kissing Amber.
"I'll leave you two to it!" He says while running out of the room and giggling.

You and Amber pull away and laugh.
"Shit, we just got caught!" She says chucking
"Oh well, but I must warn you...he's probably gonna tell Dan!" You say eye


After watching an episode of Sherlock with Dan and Phil giggling when you said anything to Amber.
"Now!" Amber whispered.
"Dan and Phil can Amber have a picture with you's?" They both nod,

You snap a picture of them and then send it to Amber seeing as you had just got her number.
"Thank you guys so much!" She squeals which makes you laugh.

"I've got to go now...see you tomorrow? I need you there tomorrow because I have to preform in front of the whole school!" Amber asks as she walks up to the door.
"Yeah!" You say about to kiss her, but you look back and Dan and Phil are both strong and chuckling.
"Bye!" She says as she waves goodbye. As you shut the door Dan and Phil start to tease you.

"Couple goals!" Dan says which makes you laugh.
"You have to change your YouTube username now because your not lonely!" Phil says while giggling.

"I hate you all" you say cutely before you sit back down.

It's not going to last

"Can you shut up!" You shout, Dan and Phil look over because none of them talked

"W-what?" Dan asks concerned

Haha you look like a weirdo

"Please, shut up!" You plead with a tear running down your face

"Y/n...nobody talked" Phil says, also concerned

Nothing you do ends well

"SHUT UP!" You shout while holding your head

"Y/n ... none of us are talking what's wrong?!" Dan asks while rushing over to you, Phil does the same.

"Help me...the voices are too much!" You plead to Dan as you get up and grip your hair.
"Y/N! What voices?!" Phil asks.

"The friend that talks to me it's too much... HELP ME!" You scream as tears roll down your face and onto the carpet.

"Phil something is not right with her!" Dan says or Phil as you walk over to the other sofa.
"Tell the voices to stop, they are driving me insane!" You cry.

"Y/n do you want to sit down?" Phil asks while running over to you and holding your arm.
"N-no! I need her to go away...I'm fine it's just the voices!" You shout with your back hitting the door.

You get up and stumble into Phil's arms.
"Y/n?!" Phil shouts your name while you just stay in his arms. You cry into his chest.
"Help me" you say before you get up. Phil looks scared.

"Dan she's shaking! She's having another panic attack!" Phil says you just stand back.

"Please help me...I don't want it to be like this! I don't want to feel this..." you say as you walk back to the sofa to Dan.

"Y/n sit down" Dan says while holding your arm.

"No..." you say, eyes darting around the room.
"It's too closed in...and I'm getting to wheezy, my eyes hurt and the girl won't stop talking" you say with more tears rolling down you cheeks.

"Y/n you need to-"
"LEAVE ME ALONE! I-I don't need help!" You shout as Dan let's go of your arm and instead hugs you. You pull away.

"Leave me alone!" You shout as you walk away.
"Y/n!" Phil shouts as he grabs you. You turn around and slap him. You slap him too hard that he falls back onto the floor.

"PHIL!" Dan screams as he rushes over to him.
You look at what you have done.

You monster

"I'm so sorry-"
"NO! GO AWAY!" Dan screams at you aks he holds Phil in his arms.

You run into the bathroom and lock yourself in there.

End it all

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