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"Y/N COME DOWN HERE NOW!" You hear a feminine voice shout from down the stairs... Your mum!

You groan as you get up and start to slowly make your way downstairs.

You walk in front of your mum rubbing your eyes when she gives you a dirty look.

"Your dad is having some work friends over so clean this place up!" She hisses while pointing at the Hoover.

"But mum, I'm really tired! It's been a long day at school and I-"

"CLEAN UP NOW! Now I need to get dressed into some nice clothes!" She says while pushing you over to the cleaning supplies and strutting away!

"She thinks she's all that!" You mumble under your breath plugging the Hoover in "fucking bitch" you add

You start to hoover the carpet and then start to set out the table...she didn't ask you to do it but she would probably shout at you if it was not done anyway.

The only reason your parents hate you is because you told them you might have feelings for girls ... And well they didn't like it... At all!
Your dad started to beat you...your mum started to shout at you everyday saying you were just confused!

So now you've learnt to just do what they say.


Your mum dresses you in a long, light blue dress while she wears a skimpy, red and sort of see-through dress.

"Y/n, don't speak to them if they don't ask! Unless you want to feel the pain of 2013!" She says making you have flashbacks of when you said you might be a lesbian.

You didn't care that you couldn't talk, you never really talked anyway ... Especially not to them!

"I'm fine with that" you snarl while sitting down on the couch and going onto your phone.

"Don't be rude to our guests when they come! Because your dad said that they are all right around the corner!" She says while putting mascara on.

"Don't worry I won't" you say while texting your friend Alice, when there's suddenly a knock at the door.

Your mum rushes to the door and starts to play with her hair before she opens it!

"Hello darling" she says giving your father a kiss on the cheek!
"Fucking disgusting" you mumble as you look up to see how she greets him.

"Hello, Daniel and Phillip is it?" She asks putting on a big smile.
"Yes hello, I'm dan" you see a tall brown haired man say as he steps in
"I'm Phil" the other one says shaking her hand and standing next to the first one.

"Y/n greet these nice two men!" She says with gritted teeth! At first you don't move which makes her turn around and push you towards them!
"Hi there! I'm y/n" you say rolling your eyes and shaking their hands
"Hi I'm Phil and this is Dan!" The second one says while smiling and pointing to the first one

You walk away and go sit on the far end of the table, away form your family ... But right next to the guests.

As your mum served the food, you start to observe the guests! The one called Dan, as you mentioned was a tall brown haired man with a side fringe and dark brown eyes! And Phil was almost exactly like Dan just with black hair and it facing the other way and striking blue eyes!

They actually looked like brothers! But then again ... They seemed a bit queer ... Maybe they understood your struggle!

Your father and mother started to talk about your school to Dan and Phil!
You just sit there awkwardly on your phone texting Alice, when your dad starts to get annoyed!

"Y/n get off your phone!" He hisses while squinting at you
"But dad I'm texting-"
"You better not be texting a girl!" He snaps
"But dad it's only Alice-"
"GIVE ME YOUR PHONE!" He shouts as you pass him your phone!

Dan and Phil just sit there trying to pretend that they didn't see what just happened

"At least she isn't texting a boy!" Dan says making Phil laugh! But they don't see your dad mouth to you 'shut up'!

You start to get really annoyed and want to wind him up!

"So Dan and Phil, what do you think about gays?" You ask which makes your dads face turn red with anger!

"Y/N GET TO YOUR ROOM NOW!" He shouts as he jumps out of his seat!
"All I said was-"
"ROOM NOW!" He walks over to you and pushes you outside of the lounge and locks the door behind him!

You walk up to your room with tears in your eyes.
"Fucking homophobic cunts!" You say to yourself as you jump in your bed and cry!


You make it through the morning without seeing your parents, and you get to school without them calling you too! When you finally walk into the school playground you see Alice run up to you!

"Hey y/n!" She says hugging you, you just look away
"Family being cunts again?" She asks seeing the look on your face. You just nod
"Well I gotta run but I'll speak to you later!" She says running off!

She was your only friend and she ditched you every time she had the chance!

You just walked into the school and waited in the hallway for registration to start.
You start to hear a lot of giggling and talking so you look to see why as happening when you see 3 blonde girls and a few boys walk down the hallway.

You try to hide your face because if they saw you like this ... You wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Y/n is that you? Wow you really let yourself go!" One of them says, you still try to hide your face
"Fuck off please!" You say walking away, but they follow you

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" You shout now running away
"Lil pussy!" You hear one of them shout!

You run into the bathroom where you sit and cry. The tears roll down your face making your cheeks redden! Some also fall into your mouth making you face scrunch up because it was sour!

You struggle to stand up but once you do you stare at yourself in the mirror!
"I look horrible" you say getting the stray strands of hair and clipping them into your hair!
You wipe your face as you walk to registration when the bell suddenly goes making you jump!


You start to walk out of school where you see Alice! You walk up to her and try to talk but she seems busy so you just leave.

Life's such a cunt!

You think to yourself as you stare at your surroundings.

The trees seemed dark and hallow

The pavement (sidewalk) looked crooked and broken

You start to kick the leaves from the fallen trees.

Fuck my life! Fuck my parents! Fuck them guests!
...actually...The guests were nice, they just didn't talk much.

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