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You walk through your house gate and open the door with your keys, to see your mum on he phone nodding her head.

"Ahhh, here she is now!" She says passing the phone to you
"It's your dad!" She whispers before she walks off

"Y/n! Because of the shitty dinner last night...you, your mum and I are going to have dinner at there's!"
"But dad I don't want to-"
"Not if you treat me like shit!"
"WE ARE HAVING DINNER AND THATS FINAL! So go get dressed now!"

You hear the line crackle and then the call ends. You sigh and walk upstairs.

"What time do I have to be dressed by?" You ask your mum
"An hour" she replies looking you up and down and shaking her head.

You walk up to your room and just lay on your bed staring at the whitish-grey ceiling.

The silence ... The silence is nice.
It's a nice change.

You pick out some black ripped jeans, a black crop top, a checkered jacket to tie round your waist and a black beanie and get dressed.

You walk downstairs past your mum and you lay on the couch.


Your mum knocks on the door while you just wait next to her.
Dan opens the door and invites you's in.
"Hello, y/n was it?" He asks shaking your hand
"Yeah..." You say shaking his hand back and walking through the door way.

You see a house filled with white and lots of out going colours here and there.

They look like nerds...like gaming nerds...like the nerds that always get bullied in a Hollywood movie but then ending up dating the hot girl.

"hey!" Phil says as you walk round the corner to see him talking to your dad.
"Hello..." He snarls while giving you a dirty look.
"Hello father..." You say doing the same. Phil sees the awkwardness and backs away to Dan.


"I've got to go a toilet be back in a jiffy!" Your dad says putting on a smile trying to hold back his revolting natural 'I hate you' look.
"Oh frank...I need to put more mascara on I'm coming!" You mum says running after him

Dan and Phil just stare at you and your anxiety immediately kicks in.

"So...you don't talk much do you?" Dan states while looking at your beanie
"No..." You say awkwardly
"Why?" Phil asks now, not wanting to be the one left out
"Because whenever I talk I ever get hurt or I hurt people..." You say suddenly regretting it!

"Oh... I can see that you don't like your parents." Phil says when Dan punches him in the arm and mouths 'what the fuck Phil'.

"It's fine honestly...they are scum" you spit out making there faces turn pale.
"s...scum?" Dan asks shocked

"Well I tried to tell them I was a-" you try to say but your parents come through the door making small talk

"Oh I see you actually have a mouth!" Your mum says sarcastically to you.
"Mum please, I'm tired don't-"
"Talk to your mum like that again one more time!" You dad says raising his fist at you, then remembering that Dan and Phil were there and awkwardly laughing.

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