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2 months had passed and it was a Monday morning
Mya went down to breakfast in the great hall, she was glad to be back in classes
The past month had felt like an eternity, everyone showed concern which she really appreciated
There was only one small teeny tiny weeny little problem... The actual breakfast

Mya took one look at the food and the aromas hit her nose
"Oh shit" she cried covering her mouth and running out of the hall
Severus watched and was filled with worry, so he went after her
He finally found her in the girls lavatories chucking up
He knelt down beside her and pulled her hair back as she puked her guts up

"Ohh! Men should not be in here!" A voice screeched
"Piss off myrtle!" Severus snapped
Then returned his attention to Mya
When she finally lifted her head out of the bog
She was in tears
Severus pulled her into his arms and held her close
"I know, I know my love, it will pass I promise" he soothed
"I fucking hope so" she moaned, she had been suffering for a long time now

When she was feeling better she decided to carry on with her classes
Severus recommended that she stay in our quarters and put her feet up, she could always do some not practical work from there to catch up. But Mya is Mya and she will not be told

Mya seemed happier at lunch, for one she was able to keep it down, and two she had her best friends around her, she hadn't told Fred about the baby yet because she was only 3 months and wanted to wait until the 4th

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