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Mya was waiting in Dumbledores office for her father to arrive.
The anxiety was dancing around in her mind, proud and sure of itself
She tried to think of Severus, 'think happy thoughts' she told herself
Severus came in and sat down next to her, he gave her a knowing look
"Remember, the ring" he tried to soothe her but he knew full well it wouldn't Make a difference, he remembered his trips home.

Dumbledore entered the room in his usual jolly manner, following him was her father
She took one look at him and narrowed her eyes
"Aren't you going to introduce me?" He beamed referring to Severus
"This is my head of house, professor Snape" she explained
Her father, Laurence offered his hand to Severus, but Severus just looked down at it and made eye contact with the man, giving him a cold, hard, repulsed stare.
Laurence could see that the potions master knew something of his behaviour towards Mya.
And he wasn't pleased. "Professor Snape I hear that Mya is doing exceptionally well in potions?"
Her father asked, trying to make conversation
"Yes, she is very talented, I am proud of her" he snarled in response
"Severus, is something wrong?' Dumbledore asked rather confused by the hostility
"No Albus, everything is just fine" Severus lied.

"Well, on that note, is my lovely girl ready to aparate to St Johns?" Laurence beamed at his daughter proudly. "Erm....yes father" she mumbled and rose from her seat, Laurence offered his arm and Mya took it begrudgingly. And then they were gone.

Severus went back to his chambers and poured himself a fire whiskey,
"Merlin I hope she's alright" he told himself, pinching his the bridge of his nose
His dark Mark started to burn, he was being called
He sighed and went straight to see the dark lord.

When he arrived at the dingy place the dark lord called home, he nodded politely to Luicus Malfoy, and headed towards the room where the dark lord always acknowledged his death eater minions.

"My Lord" Severus nodded.
"Severus! My most faithful servant, I'm hoping you bring good news?" The dark lord asked with a poisonous glare
"Yes my Lord, I have come to learn that Potter is none the wiser of our plans, and he is falling into your trap nicely" Severus gulped
"Very good Severus, I always knew I could trust you, I will call for you again soon."
The snake faced wizard beamed, he nodded at the door granting Severus his leave.

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