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Severus sat beside Mya, he was so tired he fell asleep
When Mya opened her eyes, he was still snoring like a warthog

"Sev...Severus.." She whimpered
Severus woke up and ran to her side
"My love, everything is going to be fine, your father is dead, Fred Weasley killed him but no one can know about it"
Severus held her and kissed her forehead
Mya nodded

"Do you remember why you're here love?" Severus asked
"He caught me, he told me I had to pay for turning him in to the ministry and then he tried to drown me" Mya explained
"You're safe now" Severus soothed her stroking her hair with his cold hands

Mya smiled up at him and pulled his lips to hers
"I love you Severus Snape" she told him
"I love you too Mya, I thought I was going to loose you"
"Nope, because I'm a Taylor, and Taylor's never weak!" She grinned
"Hopefully one day in the near future you will be Mya Snape" he grinned at her

She felt excited that he would ever hope for that, although he hadn't actually popped the question, the thought made her happy enough

"Mya there is one thing I really need to tell you...." Severus spoke with nerves in his voice
She looked at him confused, and narrowed her eyes
"Well, you're...we are...."
"Spit it out" she laughed
"You're carrying my child" he squeezed her hands as the words fell from his mouth
The girl was silent, she had frozen stiff she looked down at her still flat stomach and looked up into Severus' eyes
"No, no this can't be happening.... NO!" She turned over and started crying into her pillow

Severus took a step back, tears formed in his eyes
'She doesn't want to be the mother of my child' he thought to himself
He turned and stormed out of the hospital wing, tears streaming his face
Students looked and pointed and for once he couldn't care less
He went back to his chambers and got drunk on fire whiskey

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