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Fred looked down at Laurence's dead body
He couldn't believe what he'd done, he ran straight back to Mya
He had to keep her alive.

George found Severus at the astronomy tower
"Professor we found her, he's trying to kill her!" He called to him from the doorway
Severus ran with him down the steps and into the night following George

When they arrived at the Black lake
Fred had Mya in his arms, trying to keep her warm
"Come on mate, stay with me...Snape will be here soon....I promise...he really loves you Mya I can see it....stay with me" he cried trying to wake her up

Severus kneeled down and kissed her with tears in his eyes
"We must get her to Madame Pomfrey, now" his voice shook with worry

Severus carried her and looked down at Laurence who was lifeless on the grass
He spat on him and turned to look at Fred

"I killed a man...I killed a man..." He was crying and shaking
George put his arm around his shoulder to calm him down
"You did the right thing Mr Weasley" Severus told him as they ran

When they arrived at the hospital wing Madame Pomfrey gasped
"What in merlins name has happened to this girl?" She rushed over to help bring her to a bed
"Her father tried to drown her" George explained

"I need some warm towels, I need a warming draft and healing potion" she told Severus
Severus ran to the store room and found the required potions and George went to get towels
Fred just stood there, in a state of shock
"Boys, go and inform the headmaster of the events please" Poppy told them
They did as they were told

Madame Pomfrey gave Mya the warming draft, and then the healing potion, and used to warm towels to dry her.
"Will she live Poppy? Please tell me she will!" Severus cried

"Yes she will live, but when she will come round I don't know... Please tell me you are not in a relationship with this young woman?"
Severus was silent
"Merlin! Professor Snape that's in appropriate! Now get out of here I need to do some tests"
She scolded him and pushed past him

Severus waited patiently, he wasn't going anywhere, no way no how.

"Professor Snape, my tests are all complete" Severus took a seat beside Mya
He held her hand in his tightly

"The girl will will be fine professor, all her tests show she is healing nicely" Poppy smiled
Severus sighed in relief, 
"Right, Professor I must go check on other students"
Poppy turned to walk away, Adding as she walked....

"And the baby should be fine too"

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