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Snape POV

I was walking back into the castle, I had just been out to collect some herbs from the forest
When Albus stopped me in my tracks
"Severus, I need to talk to you about Mya Taylor"
I nodded and he continued
"I am aware of the 'Situation' you are in with her"
My stomach dropped, I tried to deny it
"I saw the way you spoke to her father, the hatred you held, I have seen the ring I gave you years ago on her finger, please do not attempt to lie" Albus smirked
I gave in and admitted it was true
"You have my blessing Severus, I'm pleased you have found happiness, but I want you to make sure Mya is fully aware of who you really are, after all her mother was killed by death eaters"
I told the headmaster that I will do the right thing

I couldn't believe what I'd just heard
How on earth could I tell her the truth about me? Surely she will never speak to me again?
I'm glad I held back from bedding her the other day
She'd probably regret it when she finds out who I am

I had 6th and 7th year potions in the afternoon
Mya came in and sat with that insufferable hufflepuff girl
That Weasley twin spent a lot of time talking to her and I was not happy
What does he want from her? I see the way he looks at her
I wanted to hex him

Malfoy earned himself a weeks detention for assaulting Mya
As she was walking to the store room he put his leg out sending her flying to the floor
And Mya launched at him in a rage, punching him so hard his lip bled
I decided to let the punch go unpunished
Which caused some backlash from the brats
Lavender brown soon rose to her feet completely outraged and whined on about how 'unfair' it was.
I lost my patience
"Sit down you inarticulate bumble" I screamed in fury
I gave her detention with McGonagall,

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