Snape's POV

I led the girl back to my classroom, something was wrong and I had to find out what it was
She has been crying, her eyes were reddened and swollen, she couldn't hide it from me if she tried.
"Miss Taylor, why are you crying?" I asked
"Draco Malfoy and his goons attacked me sir" she said plainly
I nodded
"Action will be taken against Malfoy, and his 'goons'.. Who I assume are Crabbe and Goyle?" I smiled at her, she was a feisty one
"Yes Professor, that's them" she smiled back
"Are you hurt?" I asked her, I knew full well she was hurt, she was clutching her wrist
"No sir" she smiled politely
"The truth Miss Taylor....." I said rolling my eyes in despair
"They pushed me and I fell on my wrist" she finally admitted
I walked towards the girl, and ordered her to roll up her sleeve so I could see her wrist
She did as I asked and I looked at it
I reached out to take her arm for closer inspection
"I said don't touch me!" She screamed in fury, and I backed away

We stood in silence for a moment, before I broke the ice
"Miss Taylor, if I can't see your arm how will I fix it?" I asked.
"Would you prefer to visit Madamme Pomfrey?" I asked
She nodded
I respected her decision, and sent her on her way to the hospital wing

What is this girl doing to me? I'm worried about her
Why am I worried about an insolent brat with an attitude problem?
There's just something about the girl,
I like her fire,
I like the way her golden tresses wave gently around her face,
What's wrong with me? She's a student for merlins sake.
Granted it's not illegal, she's a 7th year after all..
And she looks older...
Maybe something could happen between us
What am I talking about, that's absurd!

Later that day, in the evening I received an owl
I opened it to see what it said, fully expecting that Poppy would be asking for healing drafts

Professor Snape
Thank you for trying to help with my wrist
I appreciate your kindness


I couldn't believe what I had just read, for a girl with an attitude she did have a good heart
Some would go as far as to say, she's a very sweet girl
But I wouldn't go that far, no.

I pondered for a while, should I reply or not?
I decided to give in to temptation
And I sent a reply

Miss Taylor,
It is no bother at all,
I'm here for you if you ever need to talk

I regretted sending it as soon as the owl flew off, the parchment gripped by its tallons
'I put an X?....merlin fuck my foot'
I thought

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