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Severus' POV

The next morning I returned to the hospital wing before classes started
I needed to talk to Mya, before Poppy gave her any untoward drafts

She was staring up at the ceiling and turned to look at me
"Severus I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you last night"
"Has Poppy given you a potion for it?" I asked, I was terrified of what she'd say
"No" she answered simply

"Sev, I would like nothing more than to have your baby...I'm just scared" she smiled
"Don't be scared, I'm going to look after you" i pulled her into my arms and held her so tight
"I'm scared that maybe if I have a baby I'll turn into a monster like my father..."
"No! Don't be absurd, you are nothing like him my love, and I'm not like my father"
I explained laughing at her innocence
"What do you mean your father?" Mya quizzed

"Lets just say Tobias Snape hated me as much as your father hated you" i admitted
"Sev, I never knew! I'm so sorry" she clung on to my robes
I knew she loved me and I was so excited to have a family
"I cannot wait to become a father" I chuckled

I left to go to class, 2nd year twirps for the afternoon.
After an excruciating 2 hours with the dunderheads I left the dungeons to head to the hospital wing, Albus stopped me in the corridor and had a twinkle in his eyes, which usually wasn't good news for me.
"I've decided to take up knitting Severus!" He smirked and I scowled at him
"Will I be needing Pink or Blue wool I wonder" he giggled to himself and carried on down the hall, I'm glad he found himself amusing.

When I arrived and saw Mya she was looking so much brighter, she was even doing some studying from her bed.
Mya had to stay one more day with Poppy, but I told her how as of tomorrow she would be living in my quarters, while she continued her NEWTs I wanted her safe, and Albus agreed
Minerva however was less than understanding about the whole thing

I leant down and kissed Mya goodnight, she had already fallen asleep
But she insisted I go back to my quarters and get a good nights rest if she dozed off, and believe me you cannot argue with that girl, She's always been feisty and I loved her for it

Once I returned to my chambers I decided to get on with the plans for protecting Fred
I aparated to see visit the dark lord, I walked into his dismal lair
And pushed Bellatrix from my path, I hate that bitch
I stood before the dark lord and bowed to show my respect

"Severus, I am concerned as to why I haven't had word from you in so long?" He sneered
"I apologise my Lord, I have been very busy with what I'm about to tell you"
"Very well..Continue" the dark lord rushed me along
"Harry Potter has committed a terrible murder my Lord, he is now going to face Azkaban when he is found to be the killer" I explained
"No! We can't have that Severus, if he's locked up in Azkaban he is of no use to me, tomorrow I will publicise the death eaters involvement" the dark lord seemed very pleased
"Yes my Lord, that is precisely what I thought, I had to inform you immediately before he gets caught, which he will, as he is a sloppy little insufferable brat! the man who was murdered by Potters name is Laurence Taylor"
"Laurence Taylor? Aha! The second one is gone, I personally killed his wife many moons ago...
Yes, she refused to help with my cause, well, that is good news! Two down and one to go!
You are my most faithful servant Severus, you will be awarded well once i kill Potter"
I bowed and turned to leave, within minutes I was back in my quarters


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