Now comes the hard part...

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Chapter 26: Now comes the hard part…

I drove into the school’s parking lot with a little over 2 minutes before the next bell. Okay maybe I had already missed an entire session but I didn’t want to look EVEN worse.

I managed to sneak past security and through the back doors of the school into the eerily quiet hallways. With my hands in my pockets, I scuffed my shoe against the tiles of the floor before the bell rand and the students flooded the halls. I managed to find space to sprint after Jade when I saw her un-mistakable hairstyle head towards her locker.

“Jade!” I called out to her

She turned her head in response to her name, revealing that she was wearing black ray-bans, indoors. She quickened her pace but I caught her at her locker.

“Can you not touch me.” She tried to growl

Something was off about her. I held her wrists together in one hand seeing as they were so small. She trembled slightly as I lifted the sunglasses off her face, exposing her usual brown irises except they were rimmed with red. Clearly she had been crying. I fought the urge to stroke her cheek.

“Can we not do this now?” She wriggled her arms free

Did she already know about the situation?

“It’s about you and Christian.”

Instead of her eyes narrowing to glare at me, they widened in fear.

“W-What about us?”

“You’re not his girlfriend.” I said as the second bell rang

“Can you leave me alone? I have a Chemistry class to get to.” She tried to walk away, but I could tell she wanted to stay

“Believe me you’re not learning anything in that class.” I laughed and this time she glared at me

“You need to listen to me!” I yelled at her as she walked away

“Well if you won’t listen to me, at least listen to this.” I dug into my pocket for my phone and pressed play

“Caroline Reid.” The high pitched girl said

“Age and relationship status?”

“21 and –“

“Babe what are you doing?”

“….She’s uh…uh…”

“…She’s my girlfriend.” His words rand out even more than they did when I actually heard him

“So it turns out, you don’t mean much to him, and you’re basically the side girl.” I tried to say as softly as possible

“How long were they together?” Jade said through clenched teeth

“A couple months I think…”

Jade simply slid her glasses onto her face and walked away from me. But she didn’t walk to her class; she walked right out the main entrance of the school, with a vengeance.

Oh my gosh guys, this story has come a really far way it’s amazing…It seems so long ago Zayn and Toby were ‘dating’ , then again it feels like yesterday. No this isn’t the last chapter but the story has just about wound up and is coming to a close.

So because I don’t believe in goodbye’s in the last chapter I’ll do them now; Firstly I want to thank you all for your AMAZING support this has all been an absolute dream so I just thank everyone who has read, whether on Wattpad, or straight off those 50 leaves of folder paper. You guys all motivated me (3600 reads?!? That’s mental for me) and yeah you just encouraged me so a massive thanks to you guys. I’d also like to thank One Direction for their beautiful faces, and allowing me to realize my full writing potential because without them, I’d still be writing Legend of Korra fan-fictions on It’s hard to think that after only one year of being a directioner I would’ve achieved so much. To make this concise because believe me I could go on and on, I just thank you all again for your support and I hope you all continue to support me even after I put the green tick on this story (which won’t be yet cause this ISN’T  the last chapter), in all my current and future endeavors.

It’s like sending off my second child to college you know? This is my second story on Wattpad and I’ve believed it would be great from the start even though I didn’t know where it’d go.

Wow as I’m thinking of all that I want to say, maybe I should just make a book and write my thank you’s there. Or maybe a whole chapter.


Bye xx.

P.S. This is NOT the last chapter

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