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Chapter 12: Jade

-One Week later-

Zayn had become more distant than usual. Sometimes I’d find him outside the school, just gazing into space. I wondered if it was my fault...I hadn’t really been eating as much as I should…when I should…Okay, I haven’t been eating but I have my reasons! Christian and I are going to the beach and I need to make sure I don’t have a repeat of last time….It doesn’t matter anyways because no one is stopping me. My parents barely notice me anymore because surprise, surprise, they’re having a baby! Zayn has been too distant to notice and Toby doesn’t hang out with us much. I had heard that the breakup was bad, but I expected them to be friends after it all, but I guess….not. I STILL don’t know the reason though..

Yes, I’m an absolutely terrible friend. I just thought he would need some space. I sighed as I reached my bedroom door. I have to do the right thing here. I turned on my heels and went back outside, ignoring the calls of my mother.

I was surprised that when I reached Zayn’s house he was outside, doing the one thing we promised each other we’d never do. Smoke.

I stomped out of the car and grabbed the cigarette from him and stomped it onto the ground.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” I shouted at him

“What do YOU think you’re doing?!” He retorted


“Not eating. Did you think I wouldn’t notice!!” He shouted

I looked down shyly.

“All because of this shit of a boyfriend.” He muttered

“Is that what this is about? Is that why you’re smoking?”

“Well, I thought. ‘Hey, Jade’s fucking up her insides, why don’t I do it too!’, “ He said humorlessly

“There’s nothing wrong with me! Or Christian!”

“Yeah really? When were you planning on telling me that your mom was pregnant?”

“How did you find out?” I asked quietly

“Our parents are friends,” He snorted, “See, you’ve changed! We told each other everything!” Zayn announced but for a brief moment his face flashed to guilt, but then to anger

He sighed.

“I just don’t think he’s right for you. You care about my input right?”

I nodded slowly.

“Then break up with him.”

I clenched my jaw.

“You know NOTHING about us.” I spat

“I know more than you think.” He added but I blocked him out, turning on the engine to my car

I drove straight to Christian’s flat, not having any second thoughts.

Aw, look what you’ve done Zayn ! You drove her straight into his arms. Now you guys see how toxic ‘Chade’ is. Unless you actually LIKE Chade, in which case I invite all Zade shippers to stare menacingly at you.

Beside the point ! Thank you for all your reads, comments and votes ! I see every one of them and I really appreciate it :D

Now it’s time for your This Is Us Trivia Challenge, btw Congrats to LovingTheCrazyMofo for guessing the last one correctly, Now this one is a bit more difficult, when they were singing Teenage Dirtbag and they all flashed into superheroes, who was wearing the Green Lantern suit??? Dedication to the first person to comment the right answer

Bye xx.

P.S. Did you guys hear the news about Liam and Andy about the fire L

P.P.P.S. This chapter has a part 2 but I won’t be able to update for a while so bear with me !

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