Step 5 - Final Step

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Chapter 24: Step 5- Final Step

I was gonna fuck him up. I was definitely going to fuck him up. I paced around the room angrily. It was bad that Jade was being used, but the fact that she didn’t mean anything to him but a sex toy? I was going to rip his balls off.

“So you knew?” Gabrielle finally spoke

“The whole time.” Bruno said as he chewed on his gum

I just wanted to rip out his teeth and pry the gum from his bleeding gums.

“So why didn’t you tell him?” Gabrielle asked, knowing I couldn’t talk right now

He shrugged.

“I didn’t think it was the right time.”

“You fucking arsehole. You knew who was who but didn’t tell us because you thought it would be ANTI-CLIMACTIC!”

“Got that right.” Bruno said, not ashamed at all

“I bet you even know the girl’s name.” I spat

“Oh sure. Caroline Reid, 21 years old, auburn hair, pretty eyes, good body. I don’t think Christian could’ve picked a better girl.”

“Other than Jade.” I growled

“Yeah. He has good taste.” He said and I was glad he didn’t describe Jade because I’m sure I would’ve killed him

“So then what now?” Gabrielle asked me

“Now, you need to leave.” Bruno pushed us out of his room but nearly dragged us back when we heard voices downstairs

“On second thought, make yourself at home!”

“She’s leaving,” Bruno said, coming back inside his room and shutting the door, “Are you sure this will work?”

“I’m sure.” I said, grabbing the notepad and pen

I made it outside and saw the auburn-haired girl standing on the sidewalk, staring aimlessly in space.

“Excuse me? Young woman?” I acted, “Could you spare a minute?”

“Umm sure.”

“I’m doing a survey for school. You wouldn’t mind answering some questions?”

“No problem. What subject is it for?

“Uhm, socio….myth…oncology…?”

“Oh. Okay.” She smiled

This one clearly wasn’t very bright.

“Name?” I asked

“Caroline Reid.” She confirmed

“Age and Relationship Status?”

“21 and –“

“Babe? What are you doing?” Christian approached us, “With him?”

She started to answer but I cut him off.

“It doesn’t matter. Thank you.”

“Wait, you two know each other?” Caroline looked at both of us

“I’ve seen him at my school a couple times,” I lied, “And we talked a bit, but he never mentioned you. What is she to you?” I smirked at him

“She’s uh…uh…”Christian stuttered

“You can tell him.” Caroline smiled at him

“She’s my girlfriend.” He growled out

“Perfect.” I walked off, smugly

I’m so so so so so sorry for not updating guys L((( my exams started today so I’ve been busy studying and all that jazz and I really wanted to make time to update so here it is ! I hope you enjoyed it ! Sorry that I’ve lost the witty touch to my Author’s notes.

Whoops forgot to say don’t forget to vote and comment ! I loved that we hit 3100 reads while I wasn’t even updating y’all are incredible xD

Bye xx.

P.S. Who got Midnight Memories or listened to it before? I’m not gonna lie I listened to it and LOVED IT. My copy is coming next week cause of shipping and blah-blah but whatever ! I think my favourite song is either Through The Dark or Better Than Words. What’s yours?

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