Everything has changed

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Chapter 14: Everything has changed

(Back to Zayn’s POV)

I pushed through the hustle and bustle of the school hallways, looking for Jade. I’m pretty sure I pushed down Toby in the process.

I glimpsed her black wavy hair by her locker and I sprinted towards her.

“Jade!” I called out before reaching her

She slammed her locker and gave me a dirty look.

“What do you want?” She hissed, starting to walk away from me

“It’s about Christia-“

“Just leave me alone fag!” She shouted and the entire school came to a stand-still

I was beyond shocked. Jade had never called me such a derogatory term before, not even in a joking manner. Everyone’s eyes were on us. Jade looked around, annoyed. She turned away from me and walked away, not once looking back.

I stood there, stationary, my legs unable to move. Times like these I’m happy my sisters weren’t in high school yet.

“Get on with your lives!” I shouted, making them turn away their attention

I crossed my arms, STILL unable to move. I felt someone approach me from behind so I spun around and shouted in their face. They were wide-eyed so I walked to the nearest boys’ bathroom.

What had become of me in the past 3 years? Life wasn’t this difficult back in grade school. Back then, no one ever had to worry about ‘liking’ anyone because the hormones and puberty hadn’t set in yet. There was no struggle with homosexuality because no one had a bloody clue what that was!!! I just wish all this pain and angst would go away…

Suddenly one of the stalls’ doors behind me opened up and out rushed a guy who was clutching his arm and heading towards the sinks. Only then did I see the crimson blood spilling from (too graphic?) the several deep cuts. He ran it under cold water and winced.

He caught me staring and gave me a pained expression. I gave him a sympathetic one in response. His other hand trembled under the weight of his bag. He managed to pull out a reel of bandages to cover the fresh wounds. Something tells me this wasn’t the first time.

The way he was so shaky reminded me of a time when I caught Jade with a razor pressed to her neck about to (still too graphic?) slice the skin. Rest assured I boxed that blade away so fast it could barely graze her.

Even with the bandage applied, blood was still soaking the material.

“I-I-I-I d-don’t know how…’ he started to mumble, gathering his things

Was he talking to me?

“I-I don’t know how…you could come out.” Were his last words before stumbling through the bathroom door

I know you’re shaking your head in disappointment in me because the poor guy was losing so much blood and the least I could do was make sure he could walk straight but I had my own struggles.

My next session was a lecture which unfortunately I had with Jade. I considered skipping the class completely but to my luck, when I arrived to the class, I learned that the teacher would miss the period because of traffic and we’d have the lecture after school. In other words, we had a free session.

I decided to go to the cafeteria and practice my drawing skills. It had been a while since I had chosen drawing over smoking as a way to pass time.

I absentmindedly started to sketch an all too familiar comb. It was a thick-teethed comb whose handle was studded and ironically, was the colour Jade. Jade had it for as long as I’ve known her and all of a sudden the memories came flooding back.

I started angrily down at the drawing I was doing. What’s the point? I threw down my pencil annoyance. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples when I heard someone clear their throat. I opened my eyes to see the figure of a girl with brown hair, standing at about 5’6”.

“What are you doing here? Come to make fun of the school’s biggest fudge packer.” I muttered, gathering my things together. Maybe I could take a drag outside of the school.

“You do know that’s worse than being called a fag?” The girl said

Oh, she was still there?

“Like it matters. That’s what you guys all think anyways.” I got up and started to walk in the opposite direction but somehow this girl took it as an opportunity to follow me

“Look Zayn, I know you’re upset because of all this that’s going on, and Jade and-“

“Seriously, WHAT DO YOU WANT!” I shouted in her face

She didn’t seem even a little bit fazed by that.

“I know you’re not gay.” She said to my turned back

I spun around and stared into her ocean blue eyes, and I knew she was serious. I took her by the hand and dragged her through the school’s main entrance and out in front of the school.

“Talk.” I hissed

“First of all, my name is Gabrielle Morrison. And second of all, I know because my brother’s gay. I could tell that when you and Toby would walk through the halls, I got the gay vibe from him and NOT from you.”

I ran my hands through my hair and stared at the surprisingly blue sky.

“Care to tell me why you’re acting?” She pushed me further

“It’s none of your business.” I spat and walked away

Gabrielle Morrison…

There you go TheOnlyMissEiiee_1D !! Hope you all liked Gabrielle’s character. She’ll be a very big part in the story and I might even do a spin-off based on her character but you’ll have to wait and see !

So tell me what you thought of her AND the chapter !

Vote, Comment and come after Jade with pitchforks…Wait, that’s not right… Well I guess if you don’t what am I going to do with all these farming tools…

Bye xx.

P.S. Still can’t cope with the fact that Niall’s 20

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