Step 4- Trust no-one

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Chapter 23:  Step 4- Trust no-one

Gabrielle’s POV

You could tell I was livid at Bruno for coming at Zayn like that but at the same time…grateful. He said everything I would’ve said if my thoughts weren’t so cloudy.

“I went to visit Bruno today.” I said to my parents, just to see how upset I could make them

“Is that where you made Zayn take you for your date? Do you want to bring shame on yourself AND us?” My mother accused

“She went on a date!?” My father’s ears perked up

“It wasn’t a date! And why can’t you mention your own son in a sentence without adding scorn!” I raised my voice to them

“Do not speak to your parents like that!” My father barked, “We TRIED to be supportive-“

“No you didn’t! The second he brought that poor boy home, you were down BOTH of their throats, so don’t act like your innocent in this situation.” I said, ending the argument

I felt like it was my job to remind them how much they hurt Bruno. I went to sleep, not prepared for what would happen tomorrow.

I barely got into the school before Jade stopped me.

“Hey Gabrielle!” Jade called happily, practically running over to me

It was strange hearing someone other than Zayn call me like that. I had a couple other ‘friends’ so to say, not that they talked to me regularly, but I had contact with them.

“Hi Jade…”I said awkwardly, knowing she considered me as a good friend, while I was only using her

She started to walk, signaling she wanted me to walk with her.

“So what’s up?” She asked me

“Nothing really…..I guess. You?”

“Same,” she sighed, “I haven’t been doing much lately….” Jade said and we passed Zayn in the hallway and I had to send him a panicked shrug, “You could say I’ve been ‘avoiding’ Christian lately.”


She didn’t respond, she only walked to her locker where Zayn was subtly watching us.

“Stop being so obvious idiot.” I whispered in his ear

He only pinched me and walked away.

Jade shut her locker door but still faced it.

“I had sex with Christian.” She muttered

“What?” I asked, eyes wide

“Christian and I HAD SEX.” She faced me completely

So it WAS Jade. Zayn was going to be devastated….I couldn’t do this anymore. I was using Jade and she thinks I’m ACTUALLY her friend.

“Jade…I’m sorry….But I can’t…” I started to walk back ways away from her

“Wait, what?”

“Jade, I REALLY don’t think we should be friends.”

“Is it because of what I said? Please Gab you’re the only one who I’ve told. I haven’t even told my parents.” She started to tear up

“Jade don’t make this harder than it needs to be…” I said not wanting to make a scene

“Give me ONE reason we shouldn’t be friends.”

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