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The sound of knocking roused Hermione from her fitful sleep. She blinked drowsily, unsure of where she was.

'Wakey, wakey, sleepy-head,' a sarcastic voice drawled from the doorway. 'Time for you to take your midnight potion...'

'What are you doing here?' Hermione groaned as she struggled to sit up, her body feeling like one huge ache.

'Now, now, is that any way to speak to your rescuer?' Draco wandered over to Hugo's crib and smiled down at him. 'Well hello little man, you're an alert fellow aren't you? Here, do you want to go see mummy?' Draco picked Hugo up and rocked him tenderly.

'Aren't the medical volunteers supposed to be reminding me about the potions?'

'That's right, that's why I'm here!'

'You're a medical volunteer? You?'

'Well, well, the years certainly haven't dulled your mind have they? Yes, I'm a medical volunteer. I take the midnight til 8am shift three nights a week.'


'So I can still go to work at the Ministry and don't miss out on too much time with my son. I'd rather miss out on sleep than seeing Scorpius.'

'No, I meant, why do you volunteer here? Are you always in the maternity ward?'

'Nah, I rotate around the different floors. You're just lucky that this is my stint on this ward.'

'You're avoiding my question,' Hermione accused.

'And you're avoiding taking your potion. Now, be a good girl and have your potion, then I will let you hold your baby.'

'You can't use my son as bribery!'

'Sure I can. Now hurry up. It's already past midnight.'

Grumbling, Hermione held her nose and swiftly downed the foul potion. She felt coolness spread through her body and sighed in relief.

'See, all better. Now here you go,' Draco gently passed Hugo to Hermione. 'I'll be back once I've finished my rounds to put him back in his crib. Do not try and do it yourself. You're on strict bed-rest, understood?'

Hermione frowned, bristling at following Draco's orders. He sighed.

'I am trying to help you here. I'm charged with your care. You will be stuck here longer if you don't do as you're told. The quicker you get better, the quicker you get the hell out of here.'

Hermione nodded sullenly.

'Tell you what, if you behave and follow orders, then before you're discharged I'll tell you why I volunteer here. How's that?'

'You're bribing me again,' she muttered.

'I know, and it's working,' Draco smirked at her, then strutted out of the room.

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