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Draco rushed through the hospital as soon as he finished his shift in the Magical Artefacts wing. He skidded to a halt outside Hermione's room, trying to recover his air of nonchalance. He knocked on the door and was surprised when there was no response. He pushed the door open and found that the room was empty, save for a piece of parchment left on the neatly made bed. He walked around the room, feeling strangely lost. He had hoped to apologise for his mercurial behaviour the day before, now it seemed he had missed his chance.

Draco sat heavily in one of the chairs, then noticed that the folded parchment had his name on it. He reached over and picked it up.

Dear Draco,

Thank you for everything you have done for Hugo and I. I will be eternally grateful for your quick thinking and excellent care. It has been a pleasure getting to know you a little better during these last couple of weeks. I hope that my grouchiness and constant flow of guests wasn't too much of an inconvenience!

You and Scorpius are welcome at my house at any time. It would be an honour to meet your son, before he becomes a dot in the sky during Quidditch matches at Hogwarts! Rose is always excited to meet new people and I'm sure she would have a lot of fun playing with Scorpius.

I hope I am not over-stepping any boundaries by saying this, though it's easier to write such things in a letter anyway, but the mark on your arm is nothing to be ashamed of. It is simply a reminder of days gone by. Looking back, I believe you were never truly that person then, and you are certainly not that person now. I have scars of my own that prove that how others view me is not how I am forced to see myself. Allow yours to do the same for you.

Good luck with your NEWTs, you are going to make an incredible healer.

Kind regards,


'Typical mushy crap,' Draco muttered, rubbing his eyes fiercely. 'Just what you'd expect from an interfering do-goody Gryffindor.' He folded the parchment and carefully put it in his pocket. 'Next she'll be talking about hugging Hufflepuffs and saving the flobberworms...'

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