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Rose and Scorpius snored quietly in their blanket-den by the fire. Hugo burbled in his sleep.

Hermione smiled contentedly as she leaned against Draco. She felt him smile into her hair and pull her closer to him. The moon sparkled on the glass as they lounged in the window seat.

'I have a question,' he said quietly. 'But you don't have to answer, that's ok.'

'Ask away.'

'When Fleur mentioned the healing she learned in the war...why did you react that way?'

He felt her body tense, and she was silent. He was regretting asking when she spoke, in a tiny whisper.

'It was Fleur's house...that's, that's where Dobby...he took us to Fleur...after...after...'


Draco buried his face into her hair. In his mind he could hear the sound of Hermione's screams echoing through his home.

'Fleur helped nurse...well, all of us...'

'You don't need to talk about it,' Draco mumbled when she fell silent again. 'I can tell me about it, if you want to. I don't want to stop you, or make you feel like you're feelings are invalid...but you don't have to. But you can. If you want.'

'Maybe I will. Sometime. My therapist said it helps to talk about it. But...not right now.'

'Ok.' Draco hugged her tight, hoping the gesture told her all the things he couldn't articulate.

Hermione smiled and squeezed his hand. Ron had never wanted to talk about the war, and especially not that day in Malfoy Manor. It was too painful, he said, why bring up such bad memories when it was all over now? She knew it hurt him to think about, but she wished he could understand that she needed to talk about it. She couldn't let it fester in her mind, the anger and fear eating at her insides.

Hermione's phone buzzed.

'Ginny says we're being awkward again,' Hermione laughed, showing Draco the text.

'Stop spying and find something better to do!' Draco called out, before casting a shielding charm on the door to keep out the extendable ears.


'Go away Ginny!'

Draco took the phone from Hermione and tossed it onto her bed. She turned to him indignantly, and he captured her lips with his.

Draco's arms tightened around her, his nails digging into her back. Hermione moaned, her fingers curling in his hair.

Scorpius snuffled and snorted, rolling over in his sleep. Hermione and Draco froze, breathing hard.

'I love my son,' Draco sighed, straightening Hermione's rumpled shirt. 'But sometimes...'

'Agreed,' Hermione smiled wryly, smoothing Draco's tousled hair.

'I should go, before I uh...well, I should just...go...'

' too. Not that I'm going anywhere. But...yeah.'

Draco gently picked up his sleeping boy, and dropped a chaste kiss on Hermione's cheek.

'Good night,' he smiled, reluctantly walking out of the room.


A/N: if anyone has any ideas of what they can do for their date, please let me know! I want something romantic but not cliche - we have the Malfoy fortune to play with, but need to remember their responsibilities as single parents (so no long cruises in the Mediterranean, sadly). Thoughts welcome & appreciated! x

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