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'Why are my two star Chasers hungover?'

'Shhh,' Ginny groaned. 'Not so loud, Oliver, the potions haven't kicked in yet...'

'Am I meant to be sympathetic?!'

'Nah mate, judge us all you want,' Angelina smiled placatingly. ' it quietly...'

'We're due on the pitch in five hours for our last chance at not being eliminated!'

Hermione grinned as she watched her two friends shrug off their captain's melodrama. Their 'Girls Night' had lasted through several bottles of wine.

'Why is it the last chance?' Hermione asked Draco, trying to stay cool as his leg brushed against hers. 'Don't all the teams play against each other?'

'That's how we did it in school, but in such a short time period, we can't do it that way. The fastest option would be for a team to be eliminated after a single loss, but with only four that wouldn't be very fair.'

'So this is somewhere between the two?'

'One loss isn't enough to knock a team out of the running, but it puts them into the "losers bracket", so to speak. Whoever loses today is eliminated, then the winner will play against whoever loses tomorrow's match.'

'Doesn't that mean teams could play against each other twice?'

'Yup. So if Ravenclaw beat Gryffindor today, then Gryffindor are out. When we annihilate the Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaw will play Hufflepuff a second time. In that scenario, they could go on to play us in the final, and if they won...unlikely as that is...they could be the overall winners, despite losing so atrociously in their first match.'

'Sounds fair, though I think your assessment of the teams is a little biased...'


'So mature,' Hermione rolled her eyes. 'How was Boy's Night? Babysitting go ok?'

'Wasn't too terrible,' Draco shrugged. 'Was nice to hang out with Teddy. He taught me how to play Prokomen.'


'Yeah, that.'

'So,' George dropped onto the bench opposite Hermione and Draco, helping himself to a croissant off her plate. 'What are your intentions with our Hermione?'

A few seats down, Hermione saw Harry start choking on his breakfast. She felt Draco's body tense.

'Hey,' she protested. 'What makes you think-'

'Ginny,' George shrugged. 'Now. Hermione here is like a sister to us all, including to Head Auror Harry 'Boy Who Lived' Potter over there, and his wife who, let's be honest, is the scariest of us all.'

'Are you threatening me?'

'Not at all. I'm just making sure we're on the same page here.'

'George, really, this isn't-'

'Let me finish, Hermione,' he interrupted firmly. 'I'm not saying this because you're Draco Malfoy. You seem like a decent bloke these days, now you've got your head out of your ass. I'd be having this chat with anyone. Hermione has been through a lot and deserves to be happy. We just want reassurances that you're not just playing with her.'

'I'm not.'

'Good, then we're cool.'

'Alright then,' Draco nodded stiffly.

George offered his hand to Draco. He stared, then slowly reached out and shook it. George sat back and started eating, as though nothing had happened.

'So. Hermione,' Teddy leaned forwards, his eyes laughing. 'What are your intentions with my cousin?'

'What?!' Hermione's face was burning, but she felt Draco relax as he laughed with Teddy. She could see Ginny pounding Harry on his back as he started choking again.


'Welcome to the third match of the tournament!' Lee Jordan was announcing as the two teams jogged onto the pitch, his voice almost lost in the crowd's cheers.

Rose and Scorpius were dressed in their miniature Quidditch robes, neither caring that Hufflepuff nor Slytherin were playing.

'Hi Unca Harry! Hi Auntie Ginny!' Rose leaned over the barrier, waving at her family. 'Auntie Gina, over here!'

Scorpius jumped up and down alongside her, laughing as Rose's aunts and uncle waved back at them. Draco spun his wand lazily between his long fingers, casting a shield charm to keep the children safe from falling.

'Aaaaaaand they're off!' Lee yelled. The crowd jumped to their feet, hollering their excitement.

As Draco sat down, his arm draped along the back of Hermione's seat. Her breath caught as she felt the warmth seeping through her summer dress.

Hermione glanced at Draco but he appeared focused on the players swooping through the sky. Her heartbeat quickening, Hermione shyly leaned slightly against Draco's side. She saw a smile tug at his lips as his arm tightened around her, his fingers brushing against her bare arm.

Hermione could hardly concentrate when Draco toyed with her dark curls as they cascaded over her shoulder. He appeared fully focused, his eyes darting between the players. Hermione kept sneaking glimpses at his face, admiring the shape of his nose and the softness of his lips.

'Like what you see?' Draco teased, smirking.

Hermione squirmed, feeling her face burning. Draco laughed and tugged her closer against him. Hermione relaxed slightly, leaning against his shoulder. Draco dropped a kiss on the top of her head, before turning back to the game.


Draco was sure Hermione could hear his heart hammering in his chest as the sweet smell of her perfume washed over him. He could barely focus on the match, especially when her fingers rested lightly on his thigh.

'Get it together,' he told himself firmly. 'Concentrate. Study the players' tactics! You don't even know who's winning!'

It did little good. The only winner he was aware of was himself.

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