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As Hermione was settling into bed after Draco left, her phone buzzed with a text from Ginny.

'U 2 r so awkward. Omg.'

'Extendable Ears?' Hermione asked aloud, silently cursing George's joke shop product that allowed her nosey friends to eavesdrop undetected.

'It's a classic! Wud ave stopped listening if it got gud ;) x'

'You're despicable!'

'Luv u! Gud nite.'

'Good night,' Hermione laughed, shaking her head.


Rose and Scorpius ran ahead of Hermione, exploring the hallways of Hogwarts guest wing. Their miniature quidditch robes billowed around them as they searched for Draco's room.

Scorpius slid to a halt outside a door and Rose thudded into him.

'Here tis!' He announced grandly, waiting impatiently for Hermione and Hugo to catch up.

'Well done, go ahead and knock,' Hermione whispered, trying not to wake anyone up at such an early hour.

Draco answered the door, dressed only in sweatpants. His hair was messy and he blinked sleepily at them.

'Morning buddy,' he croaked, leaning down to hug his son. Scorpius threw his arms around Draco's neck.

'See you at breakfast,' Hermione mumbled, trying not to stare Draco's bare chest.

'Wassat?' Rose's shrill voice made Hermione turn back to the door. Rose was pointing curiously at a long silvery scar that ran from Draco's collarbone to his bellybutton.

'Rose,' she admonished. 'It's rude to point, come finish getting ready.'

Hermione tugged at Rose's hand, embarrassed.

'It's from a spell that went wrong,' Draco explained quietly. 'At a time when just about everything was going wrong. This,' he pointed to the scar, 'reminds me to always think things through and be careful.'

'Huh?' Rose's nose crinkled in confusion.

'I wrestled a dragon.'

'Cooool,' Rose and Scorpius chorused.

'And lost!' He added hastily, not wanting the fearless duo to get ideas.

Hermione laughed, rolling her eyes.


'Lello team win,' Rose frowned at Scorpius, waving her Hufflepuff flag in his face.

'No,' he growled, eyes narrowed. 'Daddy team! Green snakes!'

Hermione looked pleadingly at Harry, sat next to her in the quidditch stands.

That's enough Rosey,' Harry laughed, picking her up and plopping her in an empty seat. 'If you can't be a good sport, you'll be going back to your room to hang out with Hugo and Uncle Percy.'


'And you,' Ginny chimed in, looking sternly at Scorpius as he pulled faces at Rose, 'will have to explain to your daddy why you weren't allowed to cheer him on. So sit down and behave.'

'I'm telling daddy,' they heard him mutter mutinously.


'Despite the spectacular injury in their last match and being unable to have full-team practices all week, Slytherin have really started out strong today!' Lee Jordan's commentary rang out through the stands.

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