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Pain. Fear. Agony. Stabbing. Panic!

'Madam, madam you need to relax. We're trying to help you. Can I get some more sleeping draught over here please? Mr Malfoy, pass me the potion bottle...'

Malfoy? Malfoy! No! Help! Trapped!

'Madam, stop struggling, you're going to hurt yourself. I just need you to take this potion so we can operate...'

Stabbing. Slicing. Hurting. Torture!

'Granger, look at me. Dammit woman, look at me! Ron is on his way...'

Ron? No! Run! Escape! Harry! Quick!

'Hermione, breathe. You're in the hospital. They're here to help. Keep breathing. We need you to calm down so they can try and save our baby...'

Baby? Rose. Bump. Pain. Malfoy? Malfoy! No! Help! Trapped!

'She gets like this sometimes. She takes some muggle medication for it. I think she said it's PMST-something or other?'


'Yeah, that's the one. Sometimes when she's in pain it triggers the attacks...'

Attack? No! Ron! Quick! Run!

'Mr Weasley, I need you to hold her still for a moment. Mr Malfoy, can you open her mouth? Yes, just like that, keep holding her while I give her this potion...there, that should knock her out...'

Drifting. Floating. Echoes. Darkness...

BrokenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ