A Toast

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Draco sat at Hermione's kitchen table, stacks of books in front of them. He could hear Scorpius, Rose and Teddy playing in the living room. From the squealing, Teddy was probably captivating them with his netamorphmagus abilities.

'You ok?' Hermione frowned at him, worriedly.

'Yeah, yeah I'm good...'

'You'll do great,' she smiled. 'You know all this stuff. Try not to worry so much.'

'Easy for you to say, you were always top of the class!'

'And you were always right up there with me. You've got this. Now, it's dinner time so put everything away.'


'Nope! I refuse to quiz you any longer, you'll wear that big brain of yours out!'

Draco sighed and reluctantly packed everything away in his bag.

Everyone crowded around the table, chatting noisily. Draco was regaling Teddy with stories from his recent Quidditch practices, when he noticed Scorpius and Rose looking pointedly at Hermione. She grinned at them, making them wriggle excitedly.

'What are you three up to...?' His eyes narrowed suspiciously.

'Nothing!' Hermione trilled, airily. 'Teddy, Scorpius, help me with these dishes?'

'I'll help...' Draco offered but Hermione pushed him back into his seat.

There was a lot of clattering and whispering in the kitchen, while Rose grinned at Draco. Hugo sang merrily in his high-chair.

Hermione reappeared with a large cake in the shape of a book, decorated with the St Mungo's logo. Candles flickered around the edge as Hermione set it in front of Draco.

'For me?!'

'Look daddy!' Scorpius cried, dressed in miniature green and silver robes. 'For your kiddish game!'

Draco stared at them all as they beamed at him.

'I...I...I don't know what to say!'

'There's a first,' joked Hermione.

'Make a wish!' Teddy ordered, his blue hair streaked with blonde.

Draco shut his eyes and blew out all the candles.

'What wish, daddy?!'

'I can't tell you, otherwise it won't come true,' Draco grinned at his son, who pouted.

Hermione passed Draco the knife and he served everyone a slab of cake each.

'To Draco!' Teddy cried, lifting his plate in a toast. 'Best of luck in your exams next week!'

'To Draco!' Everyone else shouted, waving their plates in the air.

Draco ducked his head, pretending to rescue Rose's cake as it slipped precariously. He surreptitiously wiped his eyes before smiling shyly at everyone.

'And smash 'em all in the Quidditch game!'

'Teddy!' Hermione scolded, as Draco and Teddy laughed.

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