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'Hey, lovebirds,' George teased, 'Harry caught the snitch, Gryffindor won.'

'I know,' Hermione protested as they filed out of the stands. 'I cheered for them!'

'I didn't,' Draco muttered, earning an elbow to the ribs from Hermione.

'Are you guys ready for your match tomorrow?' Audrey asked Draco.

'As ready as we can be,' he sighed. 'I've missed the last few team practices, which sucks, but luckily a Seeker is a more individual position anyway. I'm hoping to get some practice in tonight if Scorpius goes to sleep alright.'

'Are you 'ealed?' Fleur looked concerned.

'Well enough to play, so long as I don't get hit by too many bludgers. Madam Pomfrey isn't thrilled but I talked her around.' Draco smiled charmingly.

'I can watch Scorpius for you tonight, if that would help?' Hermione offered.

'Yeah, yeah! Squawk sweepova!'

Scorpius looked hopefully at his dad as Rose tugged on her mother's arm.

'I guess that's settled then,' Draco laughed. 'That ok with you, kiddo?'

Scorpius nodded emphatically, grinning widely as Rose cheered.


'Nice view?' Ginny whispered, making Hermione jump.

'Sssh, I only just got them all to sleep!'

Hermione turned away from the window she had been looking out of, flapping her hands at Ginny. Rose and Scorpius slept soundly in a cocoon of blankets and pillows by the fireplace, while Hugo snored in his cot. Hermione had conjured heatless flames at the children's request, but it was too hot for a real fire.

Ginny leaned against the window frame, peering out into the grounds. Draco was walking back from the quidditch pitch, broom in hand. His shirt was draped over his arm, his muscular chest glistening in the moonlight.

'Definitely a good view,' Ginny smirked.

'I know, the stars are lovely tonight,' Hermione said, primly.

'One constellation in particular is looking divine,' Ginny nodded approvingly as Draco dived into the lake.

'No kidding!' Hermione sighed, as he swam strongly in the water.

'You two will have such clever, pretty babies,' Ginny mused.

'I'm not listening!'

'Can you imagine them though, with his cunning and your determination, they'd be unstoppable! Plus you'd have a lot of fun making them...' Ginny winked at Hermione.

'You're terrible!'

'No what's terrible is that he's gone inside and we can't enjoy the view anymore...'

'Hush and go back to your husband!' Hermione laughed, pushing Ginny to the door.

Hermione pulled the door open to find Draco stood outside, his hand raised to knock. Water trickled down his cheeks, his wet hair a dark gold. His shirt clung to his damp body, hinting at the curve of muscles underneath.

'I'll see you tomorrow,' Ginny whispered, edging out of room. She pushed Draco inside then shut the door behind her with a wink.

'What was all that about?'

'Don't even ask,' Hermione rolled her eyes. 'How was practice? You feeling ok?'

'Oh you know, nothing a full body massage wouldn't fix...'

Draco grinned cheekily as Hermione spluttered, his own cheeks turning a pale pink.

'How was Scorpius? He behave alright?'

'He was great, only trouble was getting them to stop talking long enough to go to sleep!'

'I was going to take him back to our room but I'd hate to set them both off again! I mean, I can take him, I didn't mean to assume-'

'No, no, I figured he'd be staying the night, they'd be disappointed to have their sleepover cut short. I can bring him to you when they wake up?'

'Sure, sounds good.' Draco ran his hand through his hair, leaving stands sticking up at odd angles.

'I was wondering...' Draco said after a long silence.

'Oh?' Hermione prompted when he stopped.

'Would you...like to get dinner sometime?' His voice was barely audible as Draco studied the floor.

Hermione was momentarily speechless and Draco's ears turned red.

'Never mind,' he muttered. 'It was a stupid suggestion, forget I said anything.'

'No, no!' Hermione grabbed his arm a he turned to go. 'I was just surprised, and you spoke so fast it took me a second...' She took a deep breath. 'I'd like that. A lot, actually.'

'Really? Not just because you feel sorry for me, right? I don't want a pity date. Though, I mean, it doesn't have to be a date, we could go get food as friends. Wait, are we friends? I'm assuming again. Argh, I'm just going to go...'

'Hey, wait,' Hermione lay a hand on his cheek, turning his face towards her. 'Breathe, ok? I'd like to think we're friends. It was weird at first, but I've thought of you as my friend for a few months now.'

'Me too,' Draco smiled, still not meeting her eyes. 'So dinner as friends, sounds good-'

'I wasn't finished,' Hermione tapped him on the head. 'I'dliketogoonadatewithyou'

'Wait a second, I think we need to try this whole thing again,' Draco frowned. 'This isn't going at all as planned.'

He turned and left the room, then Hermione heard a quiet knock at the door. She opened it to find Draco lounging in the hallway.

'Sup,' he nodded, flashing her a charming smile.

'What are you doing?'

'I was wondering if you would consider going on a date with me? I'd be honoured to take such a beautiful lady out to dinner sometime.'

'You're ridiculous!' Hermione laughed.

'Is that a yes?' Draco smirked.

'It's a maybe,' she teased.

Maybe?!' He pouted, before leaning in to whisper in her ear, 'what do I need to do to change your mind?'

Hermione shivered as his lips brushed against her cheek.

'Where are you planning on taking me, if I say yes?'

'It's a surprise, I can't tell you.' He leaned back against the doorframe, admiring the way her eyes sparkled in the torchlight.

'But what should I wear?!'

'I thought you were only a maybe,' he teased.

'I suppose I could change my answer to a yes...'

'You suppose? How very kind of you,' he drawled.

'Yes, Draco Malfoy, I would like to go on a date with you. That better?' Hermione rolled her eyes.


'Now, what will I need to wear?'

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