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Hermione and Draco walked around the lake, chatting animatedly. The giant squid splashed nearby, soaking in the last rays of sunlight.

'Oh look how beautiful it is!' Hermione exclaimed, as the sun set in a burst of colour over the Forbidden Forest.

As the sun dipped out of sight, Hermione sat on a log by the edge of the lake. She looked up at the castle, towering above them both.

'I can't believe it's been ten years,' she sighed.

'Me neither.' Draco lay on the grass nearby, cushioning his head with his arms.

They watched the stars come out in silence, the water dappled in moonlight. Music floated on the breeze from the castle, but Hermione made no move to return to the ball.

An explosion ripped through the air, followed by the sound of shattering glass and people screaming. Draco and Hermione leaped to their feet.

'Stay here!' Draco cried, running towards the noise.

Hermione gathered her skirts in her hands and ran up the grassy hill after him.

The Great Hall was in chaos.

Glass from the many windows littered the floor. People rushed about, many covered in bloody scratches. Prefects were evacuating students as teachers searched the building.

A group of hooded people were tied up in a corner. Aurors stood nearby, wands pointed steadily at them. Harry was firing questions at the group, his face livid.

'You!' Ron shouted, pushing through the crowd to Draco. 'I haven't seen you all evening, where have you been, eh? Bet you were involved, weren't you?!'

'What? No! I was out-'

'That's convenient!' Ron dragged Draco by the arm to Harry. 'Did one of them tip you off? So you could keep out of the way where it was safe?'

Draco didn't respond, he doubted Hermione would want them to know he was with her. He refused to betray Hermione.

'Where were you?!' Ron cried, shaking Draco.

'He was with me!'

Harry, Ron and Draco turned. Hermione was in the doorway, gasping for breath, clutching her shoes in her hand.

'Keeping her out of the way, so she couldn't interfere, is that it?!' Ron's eyes were wild.

'No!' Draco shouted as he was forced to his knees, his hands bound behind his back. 'Hermione, I didn't, I wouldn't-'

Draco's voice was cut off as the aurors apparated the prisoners out of the hall. Harry and Ron stared at Hermione for a moment, before disappearing as well.

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