Chapter 8

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Hiccup POV

Astrid and I hovered over Johann ship waiting for him to come onto the deck. "Okay bud I want you to stay up here in the clouds till I call for you k" I said to Toothless. "I know" Toothless said. "Hiccup Johann just come up" Astrid said. "Got it. Just remember we're not going to be they for long" I told her as I pulled my helmet out of Toothless's saddle back as Astrid slid her mask on.

We both nodded at each other before jumping of our dragons and landed behind Johann. "Evening Johann" Astrid said surprised him. "Bless my souls the Dragon Riders. What a pleasure it is to see you. How may I be of service" Johann asked. "Nothing Johann. Simply wanted to some trading as your close to us." Hiccup said. "Well by all means take a look around. I'm sure they is something that will please the mighty Dragon Riders" Johann said smiling.


Third Person POV

"It's not like Johann to be late" Stoick said to Gobber. We were standing at the docks waiting for Johann to arrive in port. "You know him Stoick. Probably got caught up in his trade" Gobber said. "Yeah your right Gobber" Stoick said as Snotlout, the twins and Fishleg came running up. "Is Johann is here yet. I really need a now sword" Snotlout asked. "Yeah I need a new Mace" Tuffnut said. "Almost" Gobber said.

A few minutes later Johann finally dock . "Ah, Berk of all the places I like to travel" Johann said stepping aside to let the Berkins onto his ship. "What have you got this time Johann" Fishleg asked excitedly. "At lot of thing Mister Fishleg" Johann said as a Terrible Terror flew over to him a bundle of stuff in its claws. "Ah here the last of it." Johann said taking the bundle from the Terror and handed it somethings else. "Who was that from" Gobber asked. "Ah that was from the famous Dragon Riders" Johann said "Wait you've met them" Snotlout asked hurring up. "Indeed I have." Johann said.

"What do they look like" Stoick asked hoping it was Hiccup. "Alas. I do not know. They were masks to hide themselves. The male is very good in the forge" Johann said holding up a sword. "Wow. I have never seen this type of metal before. What is it" Gobber asked. "Alas he would not tell me. Other than it is very strong" Johann said. "You said a male made these weapons. Who the other rider" Stoick asked. "Indeed I did. the other was a female. She seemed very keen about some of the weapons I had" Johann said. "Please tell us more about" Fishleg said. "Ah I will try my best." Johann said.

Hey everyone. Did I do okay with Johann? Also wanted to do a bit on Berk. Till then

LadyNoir out

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