Chapter 4

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Stoick POV

It had been 4 years since Hiccup and Astrid disappeared. Not much had change in the village other than Snotlout had stopped flirting and Gobber hadn't been the same. It had also been 2 years since these Masked Dragon ridder had appeared. Most Vikings believe they were real while other thought it was just a myth. "Chief we've almost reached the island" Gobber said. I turned around to look at the island that we approaching. There had myths lately saying this island was haunted and something frighten everyone away. "Good now everyone make sure you have everything you need. We don't know how long will be her for." I said. "Um chief can some of us stay with the ship" A nervous Fishleg said. "No Fishleg everyone is coming" I said.

Hiccup POV

"Hiccup" Astrid cried running into the cave. "Ships incoming" She added. "What type" I asked placing the tongs down next to the fire and grabbing my amour. "Berking" Astrid said as my eyes widen. "Well let's get them of the island as soon as possible" I said grabbing my helmet and Astrid mask which was just white, and chucked it at her as she pulled her hod up so her hair was hidden. "Let's go" I said climbing on Toothless and taking off.

Snotlout POV

"How much longer" The twins groaned as we walked max "Would you two just shut up" I groaned before spotting a nearby cave. "What's that" Fishleg asked. "A cave dumbass, now let's check it out" I said dragging them to the cave. "Whoa who's been living here" Tuffnut said as we enter the cave. The cave look like someone had been living there for quite some time. "Who wants to bet it's those Masked dragon riders" I said. "I'm guys" Fishleg said. "What Fishl...." I don't get to finish as we had turned around to see a Deadly Nadder surrounded by other dragons. "I'd advise you to leave now" The person on the the Nadder said. We all stared at them before the person on the Nadder sent spines at us causing us to run.

Hiccup POV

I watched the four run away from Astrid and the dragons. "Follow them Toothless" I said in dragonese. Over the years Astrid and I had learnt Dragonese allowing us to know what they are saying. "Alright on it Hiccup" Toothless said flapping his wings in follow. I had also created a new tail for Toothless (the tail in GOTNF) so he could fly solo and with Stormfly with out us.

"What on earth is going on" I hear my father say as they ran to the rest of the group. "We know who's on this island" Snotlout said as Toothless and I landed in a nearby tree hidden from view. "Dragon riders" Fishleg said as I heard the flapping of wings next to me. "So what do we do" Astrid asked. "We need to sneak these berries into their food" I said pulling out a handful of berries. "And what will happen then?" Astrid asked. "They'll fall into a deep sleep so we can mover them back onto the boat and send then of" I said. "Sound good. Sneaky" Astrid called as a blue Terrible Terror appeared. "Sneaky these into there food over there" Astrid said holding the bag the berries were in. "On it" Sneaky said before flying off. "Now we wait" I said.

Hey everyone

For those who don't know which probably is a few, GOTNF actually is Gift Of The Night Fury just shorter.

LadyNoir out

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