Prologue - Mystery Student's Game Time ✔

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(A/N: You ARE a FEMALE in this story, you will learn why the story refers you to male later on.)



(E/C) = Eye Colour

(F/C) = Favorite Colour

(F/H) = Figure Hight 

(F/N) = Full Name

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(H/L) =Hair Length

(L/N) = Last Name

(S/C) = Skin Colour

(Y/N) = Your Name


Third Person POV

        It was like any other day for E class. Koro Sensei was taking attendance as usual.  "Congratulations Class! Everyone's here and with no tardies too!" the octopus teacher cheered only to be interrupted by a certain purple haired robot. "Actually Koro Sensei you are wrong. There seems to be a student absent today." The alien did not bother to hide his surprise as he looked around the classroom for any visible miscalculation. "But Ritsu, everyone is here." The AIFA displayed an attendance list on her screen which showed a name no one in the classroom has seen before on the bottom of the list. (F/N). "This is an old attendance list I have downloaded into my data base that shows an absent student's name. I can further confirm that there is a student absent today because the day I was transferred here, I saw a student who wore the Kunugigaoka uniform outside the classroom watching me the entire day, and he is registered as a student in E class" the transfer student told the class who held at least a little surprise in their features. Karma quickly overcame his confusion and said to the teacher, "Shame teach. And here I thought a good teacher was suppose to know all  his student's names."

The said educator then started looking around the classroom as he tried to make up an excuse when all of a sudden he flew out of the classroom saying, "Wait just a moment class!"

        "Ritsu, so is there really a student named (F/N) in E class?" questioned Nagisa as he turned to face the said female. The rest of the class also turned their attention to their conversation out of curiosity. As her screen turned back to normal, she replied with, "Yes I'm 75% sure that (F/N) is a student part of E class." "Huh? What about the other 25%?" asked Kayano. Ritsu then put her fingers on her the side of her head and closed her eyes. "There seems to be some interference with the data I have collected. Like something or someone is making sure I can't confirm my suspicions." she elaborated. 

        Back at the main campus in the chairman's office, Koro Sensei just flew in through an open window and is now faced with Mr. Asano in front of his desk. "And what pleasure do I have for a surprise visit from you, Koro Sensei?" questioned the man in power. "Is it true that (F/N) is a student of E Class? And if so, how come he isn't on my attendance list?" calmly questioned the much bigger sized educator. "Ah yes, (F/N). He used to be a in class A, but because of his countless absences he was transferred to E class a little before the third year started. He has amazing hacking skills which is probably why you couldn't find him in your attendance. What he does in E class does not concern me but the last time I saw him was at the mid-term exam where he ranked second in the system. Now if that's all, please leave." said the chairman with a bitter sweet closed eye smile at the end. "Actually if you may, I would like to know where this student of mine lives and looks like." requested the tentacle teacher. "(Insert random address) and here." Asano gave the alien a photo of the student who then nodded and flew away.

A Crime to Live (Assassination Classroom - Female Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now