Chapter 20

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Y/n-your name

As the bottle spun it stopped on Laurence....oh my Irene.....he smirked at me and I went over and pulled him into a kiss he actually kissed back, I kind of enjoyed it, but this just made me more confused then everything with my emotions so, I pulled back, he seemed dumb founded that i even did that without hesitating. "U-uhm I-I, okay, that happened so I guess my turn?" Laurence said shaking off that awkward situation. "Yeah it is" garroth said.

~time skip to end of game~

I was now being chased around by ash. Why? Well it was her turn so she spun the bottle and it landed on Vlyad so she kissed him and I took a million and one photos, so that's how I got in this situation. "I swear to Irene y/n!" Ash yelled "hey! No swearing!" I yelled laughing my butt off. Soon she caught me and started tickling me "M-MERCY!" I yelled through giggles "no, not until you say your sorry and then give me your phone so I can delete those photos" ash said "okay, I'm sorry" I say handing it to her "SIKE! KAWAII-CHAN GO! SAVE THE PICTURES!" I yelled tossing her my phone. As I did she ran for her life sending as many photos as she could to herself. ash fell for it and got off of me and ran after kawaii-chan, and after, what felt like hours ash finally got kawaii-chan and realised it was a rock I had thrown. I burst out laughing and hid in a random tent, only to find Laurence in there on his phone. "What are you doing in here alone?" I ask and he looks up at me "well, I-I don't know to be honest" Laurence sighs "maybe if you get some sleep you will be fine, I mean it is getting dark..." I say "nah, why don't we just talk in here, just the two of us?" He asked with a cute twinkle in his eyes. Gosh y/n! They're all so perfect! Why can't I have feelings for just one of them!? Wait...WHAT DID I JUST THINK!? Oh Irene.....your losing it....."y/n!?" "Hmm? Wha?" I said "oh you just spaced out for a second. What were you thinking about?" Laurence asked. I felt my cheeks heat up and I started to stutter "w-well I-I, you know what never mind, it was nothing" I say with a awkward laugh "okay? Well are you having fun?" Laurence asked laying down "yeah I am, I'm glad we are all here together" I say happily "yeah me too..." He said. Soon I heard soft snores from beside me, it was Laurence he had fallen asleep. Oh well....I guess I should go to my own tent. The others have probably gone to asleep as well. As I walk out of the tent a hand grabbed my wrist, I look back at Laurence, he was still asleep "please stay" he said in a cute mumble. He wasn't going to let go any time soon so I just laid down beside him and soon fell asleep myself.

(Cute anime picture here author)

Katelyn's pov
Y/n had been in there for a while so I decided to go and check on her. I walked into the tent to see both Laurence and y/n asleep. I must say it was kind of cute how he was holding her wrist. But I don't want any boy with my sister. So I released y/n's wrist from Laurence's grasp and picked her up carrying her to her own tent. I set her down softly and covered her in a blanket. I walked back to the others and decided to not tell everyone because kawaii-chan will start the shrines, and nobody needs that. "Is y/n okay?" Gene asked "hmm oh, yeah she just fell asleep" I said "oh, okay well at least she is okay" he said and relaxed a little. I look over to Ash and she is still pouting. I guess she didn't get those pictures deleted... "Soo katelyn, do you know where Laurence is?" Garroth asked "u-uhm no....." I said "oh...I'm sure I saw him walk into the tent that you grabbed y/n from.." Aphmau said with a smirk. My eyes went wide and I looked at kawaii-chan who looked like she was about to burst.

Kawaii-chan's pov
If y/n-Sama was asleep in there doesn't that mean she was asleep with Laurence-kun!? "EKKKKKK!" I screamed "Kawaii-chan's ship!!!" "Oh no...." I hear katelyn mumble

Third person pov
After kawaii-chan's fangirling, everyone slowly went to their own tents and fell asleep. But y/n kept waking up, so after a while she got up and walked over to a little river she saw, only to find she was not the only one awake.....

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