My best friend doesn't knowe me as well as he thought Ch 11

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k here's ch 11. Just want to thank everyone who reads my story it means alot. Plzzz vote ------------------------>, comment, fan. Luv u guys

Always urs Natayah



"oh that's cool but that's not what's fazzing me at the moment. But anyways if you need help ask me I'm not going to be doing the assignment anways." "and why aren't you going to do the work?" I smile at her "because I already passed this class, there changein my scheduel at the moment" she just made the "O" shape and nodded. We head to the teachers desk and I hand him my scheduel. When he turns around from the bord I almost swoon. can't be. 


Crap! I turn my face away so he wouldn't see me. Thank goodness Tamy didn't notice me turn away. God to think I would never see him again and now he's my teacher. Shit I hope he doesn't recognize me. You'd think he would still be getting his teaching licens, he is only twenty "Miss McCarty welcome to U.S history you can take a seat any were you see available" thank goodness he didn't recognize me, well it's more like see me. I walk off forgeting my scheduel with Him. "miss McCarty you forgot your sheduel" shit I have to turn back "oh it's okay I'll take it to her Mr.Stevens" thank you Tamy. I take a seat in the way back were there is no one. As I pass by, Alex gives me a look asking if I was okay. Well that's what it seemed like to me anways. Tamy comes up behind me and gives me my scheduel "so what's up with the way you were acting with the teacher. It's as if he has a desise or something" she had to ask didn't she.  She noticed I had turned pale. Her faced filled with consurn. "Liz, Liz honey are you okay?" after she got done asking me Alex comes up to me and kneels so his face is at my leave "Liz what's wrong" I don't answer eather of them. They look at each other then back at me. "is everything alright back there" at the sound of his voice I felt like braking down so I just put my head down. Shit, shit, shit why me, I realy thought that I would never see him again. I couldn't take it. All those memorys that I had kept locked up were threatning to spill over and consume me. I just got up and run out the class. Everyone stared as I ran out the door but I didn't care. I just had to get out of there. I ran down the hall and kept on running untill I relized that Alex was the one who brougt me to school. I notice that I had stoped infront of my locker. I leand against it and slid down to the floor hugging my legs to me. Why? Why do this things always happen to me. I mean I thought I was done and over with him but I guess seeing him just brought back all the good and all the horrable memories I have.  

Flash back to freshmen year birthday

"Justin, sweetheart where are you taking me?" "don't worry about it babe. Just know that you'll love it and by the way have I told you, you look beautiful tonight" he kisses my hand then turns back to the road. I just smile at him "yes, actually you have about let's see, the eleventh time today" I answer him with a huge grin on my face. "well it's true and your all mine. I never asked what you wanted for your birthday. So what do you want birthday princess" he asked me.  If only he knew that I am a princess. "you already gave it to me." I reply while looking in his derection. He was still holding my hand when he asked me what it was that he had already given me. "spending time with me, always being there when I need you most" he replyed to my answer wih the three words I never expected to hear from him but wished wih everything in me that I would. "I Love You."

End of flashback

I started crying even more at the memorie of my fifteenth birthday. When I felt someone pull me into a hug. "Liz are you alright?" I heard the worry in his voice and broke down even further. Alex just tightens his grip on me, after a min. I stop crying and pull awaya from him. "I'm sorry * snif * if I got you in trouble for coming after me" * snif * "don't worry, it was Mr. Stevens idea for one of use to come find you" I stiffen at the menchen of Justin. Alex noticed the change in me "what's wrong?" I just shake my head "nothing. Just don't mind me" why? Does he know it's me or is he just being a teacher, acting like he cares about his students. I have to go home. I can't stay here I need Adrian. I'm in need of Conner. God I miss them so much. I look down at the ground for fear of Alex seeing the tears that are threatning to spill over. "there you are. Sweety are you okay?" I look up to see a very worried Tamy. At the moment she saw my tear stricken face she pullled me into a hug. "what happend" again I shake my head. We hear the bell ring signaling the end of class.

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