Chapter Thirty Nine - Hey Young Blood!

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(Patrick's Point Of View)

Sitting here in the darkness, staring down that long hallway. Did everyone just seriously disappear in thin air? Or am I just dreaming? All to confusing. Just gets up and starts walking, man I am sore and I have no clue why. So, it's safe to say I'm probably walking like a zombie right now, but that's not my concern. My concern is to find the guys, wherever they are. This is going to take forever.

Before I know it, the darkness and everything disappears and I'm standing in an ally. It's bright, cold and snowing. Good thing I don't have a jacket right now. Well, being naked in general. I continue walking and an all to familiar tune starts playing.

"Ah!" I scream at that top of my lungs. I'm not in pain, but I know what's happening. Just like that, I am once again possessed.

Being possessed is weird, in a way. I'm aware of what I'm doing, but I have no control over it. Then, when I turn normal I have no clue what I did while being possessed. I wish I can control it, not really because I want the satisfactory pleasure of killing my loved ones. There's nothing wrong with it. Wait, there is? Well I don't think so.

Someone right now as we speak, walks out of an apartment and into the ally. My first target. Brendon. This will be fun. So, I hide behind a dumpster. A smirk crosses my face as he gets closer to me. Once he gets just the right amount in front of me, I run to him and wrap my arms around his neck, throws him on the ground and straddles his waist and arms, starts punching him in the face.

"Patrick! What the fuck is up with you!" He screams trying to get me off of him. I don't even budge until he succeeds and throws me off of him. Brendon starts running away.

It won't be that easy. Urie.

I get up and run after him. I catch up to him and grabs a fist full of his shirt, causing him to fall and the shirt to rip. I throw the shirt away and starts kicking Brendon in the back and sides.

Man this is fun.

"Patrick! Stop!" He pleads. I laugh at him.

That makes me laugh. It's funny to see my so called friend cry out in pain. This gives me so much pleasure, you don't even know.

I get to caught up into myself, that Brendon grabs my foot and trips me backwards, he gets up and runs away immediately. I land pretty hard, but when I'm in this state I don't feel pain at all. I get up on my knees, hits the ground and stands up, running after him again. I see he runs into someone, making them both fall.

Good, I can catch up now and kill them both. Well him anyways. Then again, I'm getting this vibe the person is one of my targets. Double whammy.

They then stand up, and just start talking. Soon, Brendon pulls him alomg and start running again. That just makes me run faster towards them. After awhile, I turn the corner and runs up the sidewalk where they are yet again sfatinding. Brendon notices me, exclaims something and runs away. The person that was talking to him, turns around and yup, one of my targets, Pete.

Without thinking twice, I grab Pete's neck and starts squeezing his neck. He says something I couldn't understand then, he kicks me in the balls. Causing me to loosen my grip and what do you know? He escapes and runs away, following Brendon.

What a coward. Hehe What a coward. Get it? What A Catch? What A Coward? No? Screw you too then. Then again, you would like that to much.

You already know what my next move is going to be. That's right, you guessed it! I'm definitely am going to run after them again. It's not like I want to murder them or anything. No big deal. They both are pretty fast, but I'm catching up to Pete fast. Right before I reach him, all I see is black.

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