Chapter Six - I Can't Deny It, I Still Love Patrick Stump

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(Pete's Point Of View) 

Yeah, you know it's been a year and all since Patrick and I called it quits even though we aren't divorced. To be honest and it's sad to say that I have been the most happy ever. Yes, bad grammar, but I don't fucking care. Anyways, as I was saying. I have been the highest of my life, it may not be the case for Patrick, and I care, but I just want the worst of him. I'm mean huh? Well guess what? I don't fucking care! He broke my heart a thousand times.

There is this feel of regret though that will come and go as it pleases. Why? I have no fucking idea. I ignore it. Along with it, I still love Patrick. I also ignore and deny it. I can't love Patrick, but I have to. I have no choice. Even though I already found a girl. I'm quick huh? Well, she kind of subsides the pain and loss of the one I love most. I have to find him. No not in a creepy way. You guys are sick bass tarts. Yes I just said bass tarts. Man, I've hung out with Patrick way to much, but I miss his corny jokes. No you don't Pete! Rememeber he cheated on you on Christmas and on your fucking anniversary! I still love him though.

"M-megan? Honey?"

"Yes Pete? She looks up at me from my chest smiling.

"I-I still love Patrick."


"You know, Patrick? As in Stump?"

"Oh. Well, I mean I can't do nothing about it sweetie." She says in a comforting manner.

"I-I want him back." I say. She looks away from me and stays silent for awhile, "Please say something Megan!"

"Go after him then." She looks up at me and her face is full of happiness.

"Wait what?" I shake my head.

"Go for it. I knew you still loved him," She starts petting my hair, "I know what happened, but love never dies Pete. I'm not mad at you."


"Yes. You may not know where he is at the moment, but you guys will be together once more. I'm actually happy for you wanting to go back to him. You seemed so happy with him. I know you say your happy now, but I see loss and dispare in your eyes Pete."

"I-I can't just leave you."

"Pete, you can. I'll be okay. Go after your lover."

"Thanks for understanding!" I feel a tear go down my cheek. I kiss her cheek.

"Aw, don't cry baby."

"I can't help it. I don't know what to do. I-I..." I trail off.

"It's okay." She kisses me, "Now go get your husband back." She motions her head as in 'go'.

I smile and kisses Megan passionately, "Thanks babe." I get up and run over to the door gripping the door knob tightly, I look back at her, "Still remember, I still love you." With that I leave and search for my husband that I lost.

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