Chapter Ten - Your Secret's Out And The Best Part Is, It Isn't Even A Good One

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(Patrick's Point Of View)

I go into the front room and sits down in the chair and turns the T.V. on. I flip through the channels not finding anything so, I put it on MTV because there's nothing else better on. I think that one show Mona likes Awkward. I think it's called is on. Well ended. Now it's some show, you know, a show that shows "news" with a guy standing with a picture or whatever. I think it's Tosh.O, I don't know. I zoned out. Until something catches my eye, well hearing.

"...Patrick's voice isn't the only thing that's surprising..."

I start paying attention and I can't believe what I see and/or hear.

They are showing a picture of Brendon and I from that Christmas night. Me straddling Brendon sitting straight up. I know exactly was I was doing. How did someone get in the house? There were absolutly no windows in his bedroom.

"...his stump is even more surpising. I suppose he's not as innocent as you think folks..."

"P-Pete!" I exclaim with a questioning tone.

"Yes babe?"

"P-Please come here."

"Okay babe," He walks into the room and sees on the T.V. the same thing I am. Frozen in his tracks, "W-What's this?"

"You know what it is, but how the hell did they get in the house? I was hoping no one would find out. I'm even more ahamed." I hold my head in my hands starting to sob.

"...I guess the saying the quietest are the craziest in bed is true. What makes this hotter, he's cheating on his husband Pete..."

"Oh honey," He sits next to me and hugs me. I bury my head into his chest, "It's okay. It will be okay."

"N-No i-it's n-not P-Pete. M-My a-afair i-is p-ublic n-now." I stutter between sobs, "I-I'm s-sorry."

"Patrick, I already forgave you, wait. What the hell!"

I turn my attention to the T.V. and it shows actual footage of it, "Kill me now!" I bury my head in his chest again.

"...and that is just the tatse of it. If you want to see the whole thing and get hard, well just visit the website. Peace!" With that the show ends.

"Sh-sh-sh." Pete whispers swaying back and forth and sings softly, "I will sing to you everyday if it will take away the pain." At that I calm down and my sobbing slows down. I look up from his chest into his eyes.

"Pete, I didn't know can sing."

"I can't. Okay maybe a little. My voice has no match for yours."

"Whatever, my voice is horrible."

"Oh come on Patrick."

"Okay fine." I roll my eyes and kisses him, he kisses back.

Pete puts his hand on my thigh and I put my hand on his arm that is touching my thigh. We stay like this and I think we are at the ten minute mark of making out. We get interupted by my Grandma, "Oops, sorry boys." She leaves instantly.

Pete and I both burst into laughter.

"Man I love you and miss you!" Pete exclaims kissing me, I kiss back.

I embrace him in a hug and rest my head on his shoulder with a single tear escaping my eye falling down my face and onto his shoulder, "I love you too babe."

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