Chapter Twenty Two - I Have Bad News...

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(Patrick's Point Of View)

"Patrick? Mr.Stump?" I hear the doctor say waving her hand in front of my face. I snap back into reality from my day dream.

"Oh sorry." I say shaking my head.

She chuckles, "I was saying lay down so we can start." I do, and lift my legs and spread them, "Ready? This may hurt."

"Yes I am." I take a deep breathe. I hope to God there is nothing wrong with me.

(Pete's Point Of View)

Man I am super worried. What if he's dying and they have nothing they can do? Or...I don't know. I hope he is okay. I'm worried and I can't help it. I know I am making a huge deal out of nothing.

"Hey uh, Mona? Do you think I'm worrying to much?" I ask.

"No, why?"

"Because I feel as if I am. I don't know Mona. It's just an er-" I cut myself short "It's nothing big and I'm...I don't know."

"Dad, it will be okay." She hugs me. Wow, I think that's the first time she called me Dad. I start to get teary eyed, "Pete what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing." I smile.

"Oh okay."

"Is Patrick done yet?" Brendon asks walking in sitting next to Sarah.

"Well, he isn't here. What does that tell you?" I tease him.

"Oh shut up!" He sticks his tongue out at me and I return it. He flips me off and I act sad and covers Mona's eyes.

"Really Pete?" She moves my hand, "Aunt Sarah? What's wrong?"

"Nothing sweetie. Just tired." She smiles.

"Just wondering."

There is silence for awhile, it's not even awkward either. Someone shouts, "Guys! I have bad news." We all turn our attention to them and sees it's Patrick. We all instantly run to him and ungulf him in a hug, "G-Guys! I said I had bad news..."

"What?" We all exclaim.

"Yeah...I guess I am prefectly fine and there is absolutly nothing wrong with me!"

"You asshole!" Sarah exclaims punching him the arm playfully. He grabs his arm and acts hurt. She rolls her eyes smiling, "What exactly was it then?"

He looks at Mona then back at Sarah, "I was excited, but my brain didn't process it so, I will probably will stay like this for awhile. It's embarrassing, but I'm alright. That's all that matters."

"Yes it is!" We all exclaim.

"Hey! We should celebrate!" Brendon exclaims.

"Why?" I ask.

"You didn't let me finish. We should all go out and celebrate Mona Lisa's sixteenth birthday! Like, going out to dinner!" We all remove ourselves from Patrick.

"Yes we should!" Patrick exclaims, "I call driving!" He runs out of the hostpital. Damn his ass looks fine. He should wear those pants way more often after today.

"Hey get back here!" Mona yells running after him. We all exchange looks, shrugs then, runs after them. Man, it's good to be back.

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