Chapter Twenty Five - Mona, I Am Your Father

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(Patrick's Point Of View)

As I open the envelop, my heart is racing, my palms sweaty, I'm shaking crazily. I take the skip of paper out and look at Jordyn then at Mona, "You guy ready?"

"Yes!" They both exclaim desperately.

"Okay." I open the slit of paper and the results are something I can't believe, Mona is in fact my daughter. "Holy smokes!" I exclaim jumping off the couch crying.

"What? We didn't see it!" They both whine.

I turn around and smile at them, "Mona, you are in fact my daughter!" I pick her up and hug her spinning her around. Then, let go over her. I turn to Jordyn, "You are the mother of my child. Our child."

"Oh my Little Stump!" She yells as she hugs me. I hug back.

"Little Stump?" I chuckle.

"Well yeah. Your a Stump and since she's your daughter, she's your Little Stump." She smiles wide.

I roll my eyes smiling, "I guess you're right. Group hug!" I bring Mona close and Jordyn close.

"Group hug!" They both exclaim. Since Jordyn is taller than me, she basically tells it in my ear. Since Mona got my shortness, her voice is muffled from my hug. I let them go, "Let's go tell the guys!" I say skipping out of the room.

"Dad! Wait for me!" I hear Mona exclaim after me. Before I know it, she jumps onto my back and I hold onto her. I start awkwardly running out of the building.

"Oh you guys!" Jordyn exclaims running after us.

I get to the car and open the passenger's side door and drops Mona off, closes the door and goes to the other side and gets in. I start the car. I just sit there and stare at Mona smiling. Not in a creepy way, you creepers. I can't believe she actually is my daughter.

"Uh, Dad? Are you okay?" Mona asks looking at me creepily.

"II'm lost at words. I can't believe you are actually my daughter." I sigh happily and turns my attention to driving. I back out of the parking space and and drives my way back home.

We drive in silence and I catch Mina staring at me a few times, but in a weird way.

Ten minutes pass and we get home. I get out of the car and walks up to the door and walks in, "Hello!" I sing walking in.

"Why are you so happy?" Pete asks getting up from the chair, walking over to me and kisses me, "Who's that?" He points to behind me.

I turn around and see Jordyn behind Mona, "Oh this was my best friend in high school that I don't remember. I don't remember half the stuff."

"I remember you!" Pete says walking over to her.

"Hi Pete." She says smiling.

"Wait, why is she here?"

"Because she is Mona's biological mother," I say sitting down. Mona walks over to me and sits on my lap.

"Oh. Well then."

"And I'm her biological father." I say. Mona and I exchange smiles.

"Hold on." Pete says running into the kitchen, comes back with a full glass if water, "What was that again?"

"I'm our daughter's real father."

Pete takes a spit take, on me and Mona, "Her what!"

"Her real father."

"I know, I just find it weird." He says as he sits in Mona's lap, who is sitting in my lap.

"Okay! To much weight for one man." I groan.

"Oh I will give you weight alright." Pete says.

"Dad! Seriously!" Mona exclaims then bursts into laughter which causes me to laugh.

"I-I'm just gonna go. I have errands to run. Nice seeing you Pete." Jordyn says leaving.

"Bye!" We all exclaim. Pete gets off of us and plops down next to us with a huge smile that still makes me melt still. He pulls Mona off my lap into his and hugs her tightly.

"Mona is my Patty Cakes' real daughter!"

"Can't...breathe..." She gets out of his grip and plops back down on my lap, her eyes get wide and she looks at me confused.

"What?" I ask chuckling a little.

"Oh nothing." She giggles.

"Okay then."

"Groupy huggy!" Pete yells and tackles us both into a hug, "I wove youz guyz!"

"Live you too." Mona and I say. Us three literally fall asleep instantly. This has got to be the best day of my life. Well, one of them anyways.

My Beautiful Dark Twisted FantasyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz