Chapter Twenty One - The (Unnecessary) Doctor Visit

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(Mona's Point Of View)

Apparently Dad isn't feeling good. I hope he's alright. We are on our way to the hospital in silence. All I can think about are all the scenerios that could be. Dad having cancer of some sort, nothing is wrong...I just confuse myself even more.

We get there ten minutes later, we get there. Brendon drops us off while he to park. We walk inside and dad goes up to the desk lady while Pete, Sarah and I go to the waiting room to well, wait. dad comes back with paperwork and sits down next to Sarah and I. All of us just sit there in silence. After awhile Patrick gets up and goes over back to the desk lady. If he wasn't my Dad, I would be fan-girling right now. His booty looks good in those plaid pants of his. He comes back and sits next to Sarah and I again. He starts to shake for some reason.

"Dad, you okay?" I ask.

"Y-Yeah. I just hate hospitals. No, fear them. I mean, what if there is something wrong with me?" He looks at me with fear on his face.

"You'll be fine Dad." I hug him from the side.

"Y-yeah, I guess you're right. He hugs back awkwardly.

"Patrick Stump?" A nurse walks into the wiating room.

"Here." He says standing up. Bad choice to stand up when I'm hugging you Dad. I just touch both sides. What's wrong with me!

"Good luck Dad." I say and he smiles at me before he leaves. I go over to Pete and sits next to him, "What's wrong Pete?" I set my head on his shoulder.

"I don't know, just, what if there is actually something wrong with him? I'm worried Mona." He sighs and rests his head on mine.

"It will be okay Pete, I promise."

(Patrick's Point Of View)

"Good luck Dad" Mona says, I smile at her then, leaves the waiting room.

I follow the nurse. She leads me into a room and tells me to sit on the bed, I do. She sits down on the rolly doctor chair and faces me, "So, what seems the problem Mr.Stump?" She asks

"Well, this is embarrassing, but I've had this uh, erection for uh, two days now and I uh, I'm not even aroused." I explain avoiding eye contact with her, fidgeting with my hands.

"Oh. That is pretty worriesome. Good thing you came in. I guess it is an emergency in a way." She stands up. "Oh and put this on." She hands me a gown. "The doctor will be here shortly." She smiles and leaves.

I just stare down the gown, but I know that won't help me. Ha, that rhymed. I just suck it up and get off the bed. I take all my clothes off, exept my underwear, and puts it on. I sit back on the bed awkwardly with myself lifting up the gown becuase you know why, waiting for the doctor. After like ten minutes she comes in.

"Sorry I came in late," She sets her stuff down and she turns to me, "I am Doctor Jordyn," She holds out her hand, I shake it, "I will be the one to check you out and see what's wrong. Name?" She pulls her hand away and sits down on the rolly chair thing.


"Yes, your name."

"Oh sorry. I'm Patrick."

"What seems to be the problem today?" She asks. I have to repeat myself? Great.

"I uh, I uh, have had this uh, erection for two uh, days now. The thing is uh, I'm not even uh, aroused." As I explain she types it in her computer. Then she turns her attention to me.

"Well, I'm going to have to check to see if your reproductive organs are working properly." She gets up from her chair and walks over to the sink. She washes her hands and puts those plastic gloves on and rolls up her sleeves.

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