Chapter Five - You've Been Warned

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I flutter my eyes open finding myself in a dark room with a single light shining down and doctors surrounding me. Where the holy smokes am I? I look around and see I am covered with a blue sheet of some sort, there is a tray of tools and the doctors are doing weird movements to my body parts while doing weird things to them with the tools.

"I see you are awake, we can't have that, can we?" One of the doctors says, I'm guessing female, while putting a mask over my nose and mouth.

I pull it off, throwing it at my side and jump off the table, well more like sit up because the doctors held me back and slams me back down and holding me there, "What are you doing to me? Or planning on doing?" I asked harshly.

"Oh nothing sweetheart." A male doctor says trailing is hand up the inside of my leg seductively.

I struggle from their grip on my right side, they pull me back down. I do the same on my left side, with the same out come, "Patrick, don't worry! We won't harm badly."

"Let me go!" I wriggle around in their grip just making me waste energy.

"Just calm down." At that statement, I get away from their grip just so I was crawling off the table, well almost, struggling yet again from their grip.

"I said, let me go!" I struggle again, but get pulled back on my butt. Then, gets slammed back down on my back. This time, they strap me down. With my legs spread out wide and my hands wrapped around the bed-table thing. I shake my body viciously with no outcome.

"Oh Patrick. Why must you be so scared?" They all say laughing evilly.

"I swear! When I get out I will..." A doctor stabs a needle into my arm and I feel my eyelids get heavy instantly. The last thing I see is a doctor sliding my pants off before I black out.

"Ah!" I wake up screaming, sitting up panicking, holding my chest breathing heavy, sighing in relief.

"Oh you're awake! I was wondering when you were. Had a nightmare I suppose." I look over and see Grandma sitting in the chair.

"Yeah. What happened?" I ask.

"Well, you had an anxiety attack, you passed out and now." She answers.

"Oh good. So, they didn't take me somewhere?"

"No, only to here. I would know, I've been here the whole time."

I slide my hand through my hair and fall back into the bed in relief, "Wait, what are you doing in here? I mean, shouldn't you be in your room?"

"Yes, but the doctor released me. So, I came in here."

"Oh, okay."

With that, the doctor walks in, "I see you're awake. Your free to go Mr.Stump."

I motion to her like 'lets go' before leaving the room and she gets up and leaves with me. I check myself out.

I walk out of the hospital only to be pulled back and slammed against the wall.

"Before you can go, kiss me." The nurse says seductively sliding her hand down my pants grabbing my member, "Aw, your flaccid."

"What? No! I'm not going to kiss you!" I gently push her away, causing her to pull my member out of my pants, it's tip showing at the top. I quickly re-tuck in my shirt and member.

"Oh that's how it's going to be huh? Well, you have been fucking warned!" Anger crosses her face and she storms away back inside.

"Uh...okay?" I rejoin Grandma shaking my head in confusion, "That was weird."

"Yeah it was." Grandma says.

With that, we call a cab. After ten minutes of waiting, the cab finally shows up. We get in and then we leave to go home.

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