Chapter Three - Long Time No See

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I run into the hospital with the bloody unconscious woman in my arms, I scream in a panicking manner, "We need help!"

They have seemed to notice me because a doctor or nurse, I really don't know, comes up to us, "Follow me." She says and I do. She leads me to the E.R. Wing of the hospital, "So, what happened?"

"She uh, she tripped and fell. She hit her head on a stool in a diner." I lie.

"How long ago did that happen?"

"To be honest, I have no clue."

"Here," she opens a door to a room, "Set her down on the bed." I set the woman on the bed and turns back to face the nurse who was looking at me weirdly, "The doctor will be in shirtless."


She shakes her head, "Shortly. Sorry." She looks me over one more time then leaves. Well, that was weird.

I get the paper towels from the bathroom and wet them, I go over to her and dap the blood away. I throw them away and I sit back down in the chair next to the bed and I just stare at her with tears falling down my face. I seriously don't know myself anymore.

I get lost in my thoughts, going over my life of the past year. I am definitely not the person I was a year ago, I'll tell you that much. You can obviously tell. I don't need to say it.

My thoughts end when the doctor walks into the room along with that nurse. The doctor wasn't wearing the usual lab coat, but a brown suit. I stand up to greet them, "I am doctor House and I suppose you want me to save your wife?" He says condescendingly.

"Uh, well she isn't my wife. She is just so-"

"I don't want to here your life story. What's wrong with her?"

"She tripped and fell and hit her head against a stool in a diner. I was the only one to do-"

"Okay. Well, I don't care if you were the only one to do whatever okay? My conclusion, she should not be clumsy. Bye."

"But...what if she has severe brain damage or-"

"I know. We are going to do tests Micah. Now let me do the work. I'm the doctor remember?" With that he leaves. Micah? What the fuck is he talking about?

"Sorry about that." The nurse says in a moaning manner.

"It's okay, but do you know what he's talking about? Micah?"

"Oh remember..." She trails off as her eyes drift from my eyes, to my fingerless black gloves on my hands, to my crotch. I act like I don't notice. I sit back down. She shakes her head, "He'll be back shortly."

Micah...oh yeah I remember now! That was my really quick appearance character's name on House. Wait, this guy is an actual doctor? Who knew? Wait, I thought he did critical cases? Oh well.

The woman wakes up and looks at me and fear takes over, "Don't touch me you psychopath!"

"I'm not going to hurt you! I'm sorry! I didn't mean what I did in the bar!" I wave my arms frantically.

For some odd reason she calms down at that, "It's okay. I understand. I mean, I would have done the same thing if something randomly touches my shoulder."

"But it's not okay. How can I make it up to you?" I hold her hand with both of mine.

"You already did." She smiles and painfully leans herself towards me and kisses my cheek. For the longest time ever, I blush, "Aw! Your blushing!"

I smile shyly, "Yeah. I haven't blushed for almost a year now so, yeah."

"Why?" She giggles.

"I'm not comfortable talking about it, I'm sorry."

"I understand. Uh, did a man follow you somehow?"

"No, why?"

"Because that one man that was helping you? He was my husband."

"Oh, well I'm sorry, he didn't."

"It's okay." There was a moment of silence before she talked again, "Hey, sonny? Do you happen to have a girlfriend?"

"No, why?"

"Just because you're a handsome, caring young man."

"Well I had a wife, but we divorced."

"Aw, that's sad. May I ask why?"

"Yes you can. We divorced because I fell in love with one of my best friends."

"You guys still together?"

"No. We aren't divorced, just split up. For a year now." I hold back tears.

"So you guys are married?"

"Well yeah sort of."

"Have any kids?"

"Yes, we adopted a teenage daughter named Mona Lisa."

"Aw! Is your best friend better than your last wife at leased?"

"Yes he is better than her."

"So, you're gay?" She smiles making more wrinkles on her fragile face.

"Only for him. Generally I'm heterosexual."

"Well, I'll pray you guys the best." She pats the tops of my bleach blonde head. Yes, I still have that look.

"Thanks. I need all I can get." I smile, "Still, I am super sorry ma'am."

"Don't worry about it...what's your name?"

"My name is Patrick."

"Well nice to meet you Patrick. You know, my grandson's name is Patrick. He's about twenty nine now. I haven't seen him in forever."

"Holy smokes! I'm twenty nine!"

"That is to coincidental. What is your last name?"

"Stump, why?" Her eyes widen at that.

"You can't be!"

"I can't be what?"

"My grandson! You can't! Sing for me."

"Uh, okay?" I sing a few phrases from an Elvis Costello sing and she cuts me off.

"Oh my God! You are my grandson!"

"Holy smokes! Are you sure?"

"Well let's see, your first name is Patrick, last name Stump. Twenty nine and you are a fan of Elvis Costello. That doesn't scream "grandson" to me."

"Holy smokes! You just made me feel worse about me punching you!"

"Patrick, I alre-" She stops talking and starts shaking.

"Help! We need help!" I scream.

With that nurses and doctors flood the room. I exit the room and just stare inside the room scared out of my mind. I just reunited with my Grandma and she dies? I hope not.

"Sir? It will be okay." The nurse from earlier stands next to me with her hand on my shoulder.

"N-no...I hope so. She was my fucking Grandmother!" I let a tear escape my eyes.

"Patrick, it's okay." She slides her hand from my shoulder down my back and squeezes my ass hard. I remove her hand.

"Oh look! The clumsy person is now on Code Blue!" House walks in between the nurse and I into the room.

I sit in a chair that was in the hallway. Before I know it I fall asleep to the madness.

I wake up and look at the clock that is hanging on the wall and it reads, 7:12 A.M. Before I forget why I am here, I jump out of my seat and almost runs to the room my Grandma was in last night. I get stopped by someone grabbing my arm gently. I turn around.

"I have bad news. When you were asleep, your Grandma died at 1:46 this morning. I'm sorry." House explains.

"No..." I shake my head, "She can't be!"

"Well she is." He walks away.

That's my sign.

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