Chapter Thirty - Sweet Unknown

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(Summer's Point Of View)

I wake up and rolls out of bed, well Mona's anyways. Before I take a shower, I put the bed up. I take a shower, gets dressed and goes downstairs and sees Mona is up along with Sarah, also known as my Mom. They are watching T.V. I sit down on the couch next to Mona. There are people missing...Oh shit! Dad, Pete and Patrick are missing!

"Hey uh, guys? Have you seen Brendon, Pete or Patrick?" 

"No we haven't." They both say looking at me.

"D-Do you know where they are?"

"No, but I am pretty sure they are alright. I mean, they probably got drunk and went to a hotel or something. They're fine sweetie." Mom answers with a smile.

"I sure hope so." I sigh and Mona hugs me.

"Me too."

(Pete's Point Of View)

I wake up and see I'm in a room, but not my room, startled, I sit up in a panic. Hehe Panic!. I look around and sees I'm in a regular room, on a bed, a regular bed. Everyone else is asleep. I see Brendon, no Patrick, Dallon, Joe and Andy. Wait, no Patrick? Where the hell is he? I try and get out of the bed, but sees I'm shackled down to where I can't stand up and whatnot. I shake my body, but that doesn't work, at all.

"Guys!" I yell and they get up in a hurry sitting up, but gets pulled back down hard by the shackles.

"What!" They all exclaim sitting up carefully this time.

"Guys! Where the hell is Patrick?"

"Patrick? He's right...Oh God!" Brendon exclaims.

"Where the hell are we?" Joe says looking around.

"I have no idea."

"Those bastards better not hurt Patrick!" Dallon says.

"Guys, I'm right here..." Patrick awkwardly gets back on the bed.

"The hell?" We all look at him confused.

"Well, you see...I rolled out of bed in the middle of the night and I couldn't or I was to lazy to get back on so, I went back to sleep, until now." He explains. We all laugh.

"Fucking Patrick." Andy says laughing.

"What can I say?" He shrugs chuckling.

Someone slams the door to our room open and walks in, "You know why you're here, right?" They stop in the middle of the room and looks at each of us. The woman is at leased as tall as Brendon or Dallon. SHe looks highly familiar, but I can;t put my finger on it.

"Uh, no we don't. Why would we know?" Patrick replies sassily.

"Don't you talk to me like that again!" She walks over to Patrick and slaps him across the face, "I'm sorry I had to do that." The stranger then licks Patrick's cheek and walks away from him, Patrick crubs his cheek with his sleeve. "You guys are here because well, we will punish you for escaping our hide-out earlier. Pete, Patrick. As for the others, you guys are here for the ride. My name is Courtney, and I am the head of this operation. Well, after my boss Ryan, but I am in charge of you. Understood?"

"Uh...yes?" We all say except Patrick.

"No. You don't scare me Courtney. All because you changed your features means nothing okay? Now, let us go!" Patrick says.

"Oh poor Patrick. You're such a jump-to-conclusions kind of guy aren't you?" She walks over to him again.

"You better not lay a hand on him! Or feet! Or anything!" I scream.

"You do realize by you saying things, your friends get hurt?" She acts sad and grabs Patrick's face and trails her finger around his jaw, licking his ear. Patrick scrubs his ear with his sleeve again.

"S-Stop...p-please." Patrick stutters.

"Oh I will...for now." Courtney smirks and leaves the room.

"What the fuck was that about?" Brendon asks.

"I have no fucking clue, but whoever Courtney and Ryan are, I have a terrible feeling in my gut."

"Well, she did say she was going to torture us, by not actually torturing us. That makse no fucking sense." Dallon says.

"I know! I am so fucking confused! Oh well, we'll jusy wait and see what happens." brendon says and starts trembling.

"It will be okay Brendon." Joe says.

"I-I hope." He sighs.

"G-Guys, just don't worry about it! I-I's gonna get better, it will be okay." Patrick says. "Okay, I seriously need to stop quoting my own songs." Patrick chuckles.

"It's cute though." I smile and wink at him, he smiles back.

"I wish was home." Patrick says looking down at his hands and holds back a sob.

"I'm here Patrick, baby, it will be okay."

"I sure hope so, but I know it's not." A tear escapes his eye and goes down his face. I feel bad for him, I want to be over there and cuddle with him, but I can't, I probably won't for a long, long time.

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