Seaside Warriors

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Chapter 20

Seaside Warriors

It was outstanding! The ocean in front of them was replaced by a large grand gate…as tall as….the wave!!!

“The wave….was the gate?!” asked Kris in astonishment

“The wave  is the entrance to the Seaside Village.” Said Master Cha “It’s like a moving gate.”

Everyone could not believe the wisdom Master Cha has.

They entered the gate….Chanyeol looked up to see that  he could not see the sky..but water! The wall is also made of water…

“More of an underwater Kingdom than a seaside village to me.” Said Chanyeol

And then they reached a dead-end.

Two men came out of the water wall to stop them. Both of the men has tint of blue in their hair.

“This is the farthest you can go, Ladies and gentlemen. May we know why you wanted to enter the Seaside Village?” asked one of them

“We are here to talk with the leaders. There is something of great importance that we want to get their help on.” Said Master Cha.

“We could not allow you to enter without a specific reason. More so to escot you to our leaders.” Said the other.

“We are from the palace.” Said Kris

Kris took a medallion from inside his coat and handed it to the guard.

“I am one of the Ace guards of the Palace. If you give that to your leaders, I’m sure they’ll recognize it.” Said Kris

One of the guards took the medallion and walked on.

The other one is left facing them.

“This is a brave guard. Him guarding the gate alone…when we’re 7 people against him.” Said Chanyeol

“They normally put their strongest on the gate.” Said Master Cha

“Can he be the one we’re looking for?” asked Sunny

“Strength is not the only reason for being with us, you should know that sorcerer…remember how you used to fail your magic?” asked TOP

“Do you really have to call it out?” asked Sunny irritated.

It took an hour of standing and waiting before the other guard came back and nodded. One of the water walls opened.

“Please come in. Our leaders are waiting for you.”

They went through the opening. They were given a blue sticky thing to put on their neck.

“This is not flattering.” Said Sunny

“That will help you breath properly. The air we have in the village is different from how it is in the shore.” Said the guards.

Chanyeol looked up…even inside the village…the ceiling is still water…This village has to change its name pretty soon…”Underwater make that mini-Kingdom” suits it better.

How can they call it a village?! The place has an area full of houses…there is a market…an area full of people in the center…It’s like a small version of Zaruum…only that it’s…under water.

They arrived in a tall structure. It looks so magnificent and elegant with gold designs and sculptures everywhere. They were led in.

They were brought in a very grand room where an assembly is waiting…An Assembly of more than a hundred people waiting for them.

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