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Chapter 9


Sulli quickly got dressed But her foot is aching too much that she can barely walk.

“Umm…I know you can hear me…you even heard me whisper earlier right? Wherever you are …I don’t think I can walk a bit more than I did earlier…I’m sorry to say this but…I think I could not even stand anymore.” Sulli took a deep breath.

“Here’s the deal…You can go ahead down so that you can get a healer for your wounds…I will wait here for Master Cha and the others…Let’s just meet at the base of the mountain tomorrow all right?” asked Sulli

There was no answer.

Did he not hear her?

Did he go too far?

Sulli tried to stand but her ankle gave way and she stumbled to a rock.

“Yeah great …what’s another wound anyway.” Said Sulli brushing the dirt off the fresh wound.

“You could’ve waited a second.” Said a voice from behind Sulli

Sulli felt the gush of wind around her. The black swan has landed.

“I am not as fast as I usually am when I’m wounded.” Said Minho

Sulli did not bother looking up at Minho. She continued cleaning her wound by reaching for water in the pond.

When Sulli could not reach it from where she sits, Minho scooped water in his hand and sat next to Sulli.

Minho then proceeded with cleaning Sulli’s wound.

He was very gentle with it…it felt almost relaxing…except the sudden pain when Minho touched her wound.

“Did you hear me? I mean my suggestion earlier?” asked Sulli

“Yes…I did. But the answer is no. We are not certain what happened to the others…you could be waiting here forever. And besides…I don’t go to healers.” Said Minho

“Why? Don’t you get sick?” asked Sulli

“They…Humans…fear me.” Said Minho


Sulli could not say anything for a while.

“But you have large wounds.” Said Sulli

“I quickly heal…the wounds will close by tomorrow.” Said Minho

“No way.” Said Sulli. That’s impossible…the wounds are big and deep.”

Sulli yawned.

“You need to sleep.” Said Minho

“My body is exhausted…but my mind…I need to know how the others are doing…” said Sulli

Sulli lay on the grass looking up. In the dark…she can still see a potion of the island floating in the air.

“Dragons…can be scary creatures.” Said Sulli

Sulli closed her eyes.

Minho felt it when the human’s breathing became even…her body has finally given up to rest.

Minho picked up the woman and carried her on his arms. The woman instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck snuggling in against his chest.

Minho stopped walking….

It feels…warm…

Minho found a cave. He first blew fire in it to check if it’s safe. When nothing came out, he went in. He put some leaves on the floor and then laid Sulli on them.

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