San Fran

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Nova stood, staring at the San Francisco Bridge. It was lit brightly in the dim sunlight, as the sun was setting. Nova was shocked. It was probably one of the most beautiful things she'd ever seen before.
"I told you," Luke crossed his arms.

"Wow," Nova muttered.

"I can't believe you've never seen it before," Calum laughed.

"It's so.... person," Nova stood, still amazed.

"That's what she said," Michael said, earning a rude glance from everyone. Luke slapped him lightly on the arm. "Sorry," He muttered afterwards.

"Thanks for ruining the moment," Nova smirked.

"No problem," Michael said smartly.

Nova rolled her eyes and looked back at the bridge. Luke moved next to her and slipped his hand into hers.

"Ready?" Luke looked down at Nova.

"Ready for-" Nova was picked up and set on Luke's shoulders.

"Holy crap, this is high," Nova looked down at the ground, which seemed super far away.

"Ha," Luke smiled.

"Nova gripped Luke's shoulders tightly, afraid of falling. She took a hand and quick;ly ruffled his hair.

"Hey! It takes a while to get that looking good!" Luke frowned.

"Whatever," Nova rolled her eyes. "You're pathetic," She laughed.

Nova screamed as Luke's grip on her thighs loosened, and she fell forward. But she fell straight into his arms, and felt his lips on hers. He was holding her bridal style. As they stopped kissing, Nova laughed.

"You thought I was just going to let you go, didn't you?" Luke smiled at her.

"Well when you start to go toward the ground, yeah, it's sort of scary," Nova grinned.

"I guess that's true," Luke grinned back.

"It probably happen a lot, I mean, because you have legs 2946861 meters long," Nova said.

"If you're trying to make fun of me, it's not working," Luke looked down at her.

"God, you two are adorable," Ashton said from a little whiles away.

"Thanks. Now let me down, Luke," Nova prodded.

"Fine," Luke set his girlfriend down on her feet.

The 5 stayed out until late at night, until the sun was gone and the moon shone brightly on the bridge. It was even more beautiful, because it was lit up. Nova had to admit that it was a good memory of sitting here with Luke, holding his hand, and making light conversation with the boys.

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