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Nova sat at the kitchen table, prepping herself. She was about to tell the boys about going back home to visit a friend.

"So, guys," She began, taking a bite of the fried egg she had made herself.

"Hm?" Cal looked up from scrolling on his phone.

"So, I kinda want to go back home for like 2 days, just to, you know, see some friends," She smiled.

"Okay. We can get you to an airport and book some tickets," Cal shrugged.

"Wait, you're not leaving for good, right?" Luke squeezed her hand.

"No, of course not. I'd come back, like I said, in like 2 days," She smiled warmly. So far so good.

"Yeah. What if we dropped you off at the airport in Florida, and then in about 2 days we'll be in Louisiana. Sound good?" Cal asked, showing her his phone. Plane tickets were easily available.

"Why are you letting me go so simply?" Nova wondered aloud.

"You've been with us for a while, I'll give you a break," Cal laughed.

"Are you sure about this? What's your friends name?" Luke asked.

"Emily Cars," Nova lied. She felt horrible inside for lying to him. But if he knew she was going to see a boy, he probably wouldn't let her go.

"Interesting," Luke mumbled.

"Would tomorrow work?" Cal interrupted.

"Yeah!" Nova said excitedly.


The next day, she boarded the plane, anxious. She had told Dan about her coming, and he was planning on picking her up at the airport since she didn't have a car. She read a book until the plane finally came to a landing. As the doors opened, she breathed in the fresh New York scent. She hadn't been homesick, but it was still awesome to be back home.

She looked for the black hair and blue eyes, and immediately picked him out in the crowd. He fought his way away from the crowd. His eyes lit up as soon as he saw her. (See picture above for a pic of Dan)

Nova wrapped Dan in a warm embrace, and he lifted her up off of her feet. He took in the soapy smell of her, and the way her hair was even longer than it was when she left. She looked tired, but beautiful, as always.

"I'm so happy to see you," Nova said as he set her down.

"I'm even happier to see you," He breathed.

"It's been a while," Nova remarked as she looked him over.

He was wearing a plain black tee, which made the whiteness of his skin stand out. His blue eyes popped out even more, and his nearly black hair made his eyes pop. It was like a never ending circle. Nova sighed in relief. His arms were always the ones that had comforted her when she was sad or upset, and they had always made her feel better.

"So, how do the boys treat you?" Dan asked as he loaded her suitcase in his car.

"Good, actually," She smiled.

"How's Luke?" The name hurt for him to say, like acid.

"Doing good," Nova sighed awkwardly as she got into the passenger seat.

"You sure?" Dan raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sure," She nodded.

Dan smiled wearily as he flipped on the radio. 

She Looks so Perfect was playing.

Nova reached over and turned the channel, looking intently at Dan. "I know you don't want to listen to that. You don't have to." She reassured him.

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