The Interview

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"Luke, get my frick fracking bra off your head!" Nova squared her jaw, trying not to laugh.

She watched as Luke pranced around the tour bus, her own bra on top of Luke's head. She din't know how he'd managed to get into her suitcase without her noticing, but she didn't care at the moment.

She looked over at the boys for help, but they were laughing so hard they could barely help.

"I swear to God Luke, if you don't get my bra off your head..." Nova giggled.

Luke ignored her, and continued prancing around. When the bus came to a sudden stop, Luke flew forward, straight into Nova. She held him up and grabbed her bra.

"Finally!" She could barely stop giggling.

"That was fun!" Luke grinned as the bus door swung open.

"It's time for your interview, boys," The guard called out. 

Calum hugged his sister before leaving the bus. Nova watched as the door slammed shut, leaving her to be by herself. Cal had promised her that he would set up a Skype camera so that she could see the interview as live, as if she was there. She reached over to grab her phone as soon as it started buzzing. She swiped the answer button and grinned upon seeing Cal and the boys in the background.

"Hey Cal!" Nova continued grinning.

"Hi. We're just about to start!" Cal said excitedly.

Nova watched in silence as the boys took their seats. 

"Hello, 5sos! How are you guys?" The interviewer asked.

"Good, good!" They all responded.

"So, are you guys enjoying your tour?"

"We are, actually-"

Nova frowned as the screen went black and the call ended. That was odd, she would just have to watch the interview as soon as it came out on YouTube. She settled down on her bed before falling asleep.


Calum hadn't become aware that his phone screen had turned off.

"So, I've heard about a special girl, hm?" The interviewer raised an eyebrow, questioning the boys.

"Yeah. She's my sister, and the sweetest thing, really. She keeps us laughing always, and it's nice having a girl around. Sometimes I forget what they're like," Calum laughed.

"It's really true. She's supper weird, but really nice. She likes to sing with us too, and she plays the piano at some of our shows also. It's like having someone that chains us together, honestly. She's okay with all the fans and everyone. Speaking of which, we almost lost her in a crowd one time!" Ash laughed.

"Wow. So what's it like having your sister on tour, Calum?"

"It's weird, definitely. But I know that she's like a sister to the boys, too. She's helped creating song lyrics and everything. She's great to have around," Calum nodded.

"She really is amazing. I know that when I'm having a rough day, she'll always be right by my side to cheer me up. She's honestly the sweetest girl I've ever met, and she has a great sense of humor. She's the greatest friend I could ever wish for," Luke added.

"So, Luke, you seem to really like Nova. Is there anything that you feel toward her that's a little more than friendship?" The interviewer pried.

"Well... The thing is, she's just so amazing that it's hard not to. I know that Calum is protective of her, but I know I would never hurt her. But I just love how she understands everything, and also, she's hecka hot. Seriously, everything about her is beautiful," Luke smiled.

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