Essential Trust

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*2 Days later*

*Nova and Dan texting*

N: How are you?

D: Good, how bout you?

N: The same... I want to see you again :(

D: I want to see you even more... How are the boys?

N: Quit asking me that, I know you don't like them!

D: Just trying to be nice

N:Well shut up :)

D: Haha, funny

N: God you're annoying sometimes

D: I know :D

N: Uuuuugh... I got to go, I'll talk to you later?

D:Sure x

Nova set her phone down and climbed down from her bed. Luke was waiting for her, smiling.

"What's up?" She brushed a hand through her hair.

"Nothing much. The boy's are playing cards, but I lost like 3 straight times, so I decided I was done," Luke grinned.

"Loser!" Nova punched him in the stomach lightly.

"Hey, don't do that! If I wanted to, I could probably punch you so hard you would-" Luke began to laugh.

"Ha, as if!" Nova challenged.

"Oh that's it!" Luke tackled to her, and they went down on the couch. Nova was oddly trying to squirm out from underneath Luke.

"Believe me now?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, so you can tackle me, but-"

Nova gasped in surprise as Luke pressed his lips to hers gently. Her hands grabbed onto the sides of his shirt, and he pressed his hands above her head.

"Oh god," Calum's voice stopped them from their unreality. Luke stuck his head up to turn around and look at Cal.

"I come in here to get a snack, and I find my sister and band mate making out. You know what, I'm not hungry," He turned on a heel and went back into the kitchen.

Nova giggled as Luke turned his head back around, facing her now. "Shall we continue?" He asked her.

"Why not," Nova squared her jaw as his mouth came down on hers again, harder this time.

Nova clenched her fists. She could feel Luke's lip ring pressing against her own lip, and had the sudden urge to play with it. But knowing her, she would probably rip it out or something. As if reading her mind, Luke pressed his lips harder against her's, the ring digging into her lips even harder.

"You know, I'm going to get myself a girlfriend. That way, if I lose 3 straight times in cards, then I can just go make out with her," They heard Ashton say, laughing. Nova let out a soft giggle against Luke's mouth as he pulled away from her. His mouth was twisted into a half smile, and his eyes were bluer than ever. They seemed to sparkle in the light, Nova thought.

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