The First Date

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Nova and the boys' had just finished up a concert. The boys were sweating like crazy but Nova was fine. She loved making fun of them.

"Well you're wearing a dress! We have to wear skinny jeans!" Mikey protested as Nova teased them.

"Have to? No, you could easily go in a kilt!" Nova grinned.

"We've done that before," Ashton smiled.

They loaded onto the tour bus and got quickly settled. Luke was anxious and excited-both at the same time. Tonight would be really cool... And the boys had helped him plan it.

"So, Nova, today's our 2 week anniversary. And you know what I realized? I haven't taken you on a date yet." Luke sat down next to her on the couch.

"And your point is?" She raised an eyebrow.

"How would you like to go on on a date with me?" Luke asked her nervously.

"Um, of course I would, but I'm not sure I want to eat a fancy dinner in the middle of the freeway. It would be hard to dodge cars-" Nova stopped, laughing.

"I've gotten it taken care of. It'll be here in the tour bus. It way be cheesy, but it's still a date," He smiled happily at her.

"Then, of course. Tonight, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, tonight. I'm going to have to lock you in the bathroom while we set up. You can ready in there, too." He told her.

"Okay, it's a plan. Should I start getting ready now?" She wondered aloud.

"Well, I need to shower first. I don't want to stink on our first date!" He chuckled before heading into the bathrrom.

"You're going to love it," Cal assured her.

"You're in on this too?" She questioned.

"Of course!" Cal smiled.


Nova pulled on her dress. It was one that went to mid-thigh. It had spaghetti straps and dipped down quite a bit in the back. She hated showing so much skin, but she could deal with it. She had to impress Luke. She looked over at her bag of makeup that she never used. She decided she didn't need to use it tonight, either. She slipped on a pair of black flats and a few silver bracelets. She had curled her hair, and it fell in long ringlets. The blonde streaks in it made it pretty, creating a cool swirling look. She pinned a strand that fell in her face back with a barrette, completing the look. She smiled at herself in the mirror. For once, she saw a beautiful girl staring back at her. One that was in love with a boy named Luke Hemmings, and loved him with all her heart. But somewhere else, there was a girl who loved another boy. But for tonight, she had to push that girl aside.


"I think it's ready, guys!" Luke said quietly.

"I think so too," Cal nodded.

"Thanks so much for helping. It means so much to me," Luke smiled grimly as the boys headed back into the kitchen, pushing aside the curtain momentarily.

Taking a deep breath, Luke knocked on the bathroom door. He prepared himself, his hands shaking. The door opened, and Nova stepped out and smiled at him.

Luke could barely breathe for a whole minute. She looked so beautiful. Her hair was curled perfectly, and her dress snugly fitting, showing off the curves she had. Bracelets even dangled around her wrist. She looked even more beautiful because he knew that she was natural, that she wasn't wearing any makeup.

"Damn, I'm underdressed," He offered her his arm, and she linked hers with his.

Nova thought Luke looked absolutely stunning. He was wearing a tuxedo, his hair quiffed up as usual. (See picture above). She noticed that his hands were shaking, something she hadn't expected. She sat down at a small round table, taking in her surroundings.

The boys had decorated the tour bus. There were candles lit all around, and the lights were dimmed. There were a vase of roses in the middle of the table that smelled wonderful. Nova smelled the air even more, realizing it smelt like vanilla.

"You did a great job, Lukey," She smiled at him.

"Thank you," He said breathlessly. He was barely able to get over how good Nova looked.

Nova stared down at her plate, where Chinese food was sitting.

"Is this leftovers from last night?" She began to laugh.

"Sorry, I couldn't find anything else!" Luke admitted.

"Hey, it's fine! I'm not complaining," She finally stopped laughing.

"Good, cause I would punch you," Luke laughed as he began to eat.

"Oh no, not on our first date!" Nova gasped dramatically.

"I'm so lucky to have you," Luke grinned.

"Whatever," Nova mumbled under her breath before taking a bite of her food. 

The night had taken a sudden turn when they had both finished eating. Luke suddenly got up, and kissed Nova. He wouldn't stop, even to Nova's protests.

"Come on, I'm not going to do anything to you!" He protested.

"Oh, yeah? I don't believe that, so stop!" Nova giggled.

"And if I don't want to?" Luke kissed her on the cheek.

"Then screw you," Nova rolled her eyes.

"Fiesty," Luke commented, sitting back on the couch.

The two ended up watching a movie. To Nova's disliking, it was a horror one. The only reason Luke had chosen it meant that he would get to stay close to her.

Nova nearly screamed as a zombie beheaded a young child.

"Scared? It's okay, mama Lukey's here," Luke grinned as Nova pulled herself close to him.

"God, I hate you so much for choosing this movie out of all of them!" Nova ran her fingers through her hair, brushing it out with her fingers.

"What? I find nothing wrong with it," Luke stiffled more than a few laughs.

"You're a butt," Nova told him. He leaned closer to her and kissed her lightly on the cheek, before turning his head back to the movie.

"Oh come on. Don't play that game with me," Nova said. She put her hand underneath Luke's chin and turned his head back towards herself. Nova kissed him gently on the lips, secretly smiling to herself.

Surprised Nova had made the move, Luke let the remote roll out of his hands and hit the floor with a thud. Nova laid herself out on top of him, her body heat coming off onto her. His hands instantly went to around her, feeling her soft curls. He began to wrap them around his fingers while kissing her gently. She smelled of soap as always. 

Nova's hands barely trembled as she ran them through Luke's hair. It was softer than she had expected, and her hand gently glided through it. This was the most their kissing had ever gotten to, they hadn't ever taken it farther. And at this point, Nova didn't plan to.

"Would Liz be okay with this?" Nova grinned softly against Luke's mouth. She had been referring to Luke's mom, who seemed slightly overprotective, but still awesome.

"Probably not," Luke said as he kissed her again.

"She'd get so mad that you gave me the greenlight," Nova tried not to laugh.

"Don't try puns ever again, okay? Especially to my own song," Luke grinned.

"Got it," Nova said as she laid her head down on Luke's chest.

Luke looked down at her, her curls falling all over his chest. He could feel her breathing steadily. And Nova could hear Luke's heartbeat, which kept her calm. Neither of them could've asked for more on that night.

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