Stressed Out

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Four weeks. 

It had been four weeks since Nova had met the boys. More than a month.

Michael gave her a side glance as she collapsed on her bed. She was tired, and stressed. Michael still acted a little oddly towards her, but she had gotten used to it. 

Two hours ago, Luke had offered to take Nova to a fancy restaurant for their first date. When he had asked her to be his girlfriend, she had immediately said yes. But now everything seemed different. She felt like she had to impress him. Nova kept trying to convince herself that it was no different than being friends, but yet it was.

"So, have you decided?" Nova hadn't realized Luke had climbed up onto her bed beside her and was talking to her now.

"Yes. It's a yes," She confirmed, closing her eyes wearily.

"Yes! It's going to be so much fun! And- Hey, are you okay?" He gently brushed a strand of her hair out of her face.

"No," She said truthfully.

"Then tell me what's wrong." Luke said firmly.

"I know, I know that you love me. But I feel like I've lost my connection to the guys ever since I said yes to date you. I'm just worried, that's all," Nova sighed.

"You'll be fine. We'll be fine, trust me." Luke reassured her just as the boys got back on the bus, a few boxes of Panda Express in their hands. Nova climbed down from her bunk, Luke following.

The 5 squeezed into the kitchen table and began to eat. They hadn't eaten since the morning, and they were all pretty hungry.

"Guys, you know what I just realized?" Ash said, taking a bite of chow main.

"What?" Luke replied.

"With Nova, we really are 5sos. You know, cause there's 5 of us now," Ash smiled.

"No, no. I'm not really part of the band, Ash. I don't know how to really play an instrument, only one, and that's pathetic. You're still Calum Hood, Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, and Ashton Irwin. My name is not in there," Nova scolded.

"But you've played at so many of our shows!" Calum whined.

"I don't care," Nova glared at him.

They continued eating in silence. Cal was the first one to finish, and when he did, he looked over at Nova. "Nov, why are you being so sour? Is there something wrong?" Cal asked.

"Just stressed," Nova replied. Suddenly not hungry, she got up from the edge of the table and threw her leftovers in the trash. She stepped into the bathroom, looking in the mirror. She shut the door.

She cringed as soon as she saw herself. There were dark circles under her eyes, and her hair had a few lumps and tangles. There was acne on her face, spreading like wildfire. Even her skin was paler than usual, despite the fact it was usually tan. Her eyes seemed dull even in the bright light. Her lips were usually full and thick, but they seemed swollen. It killed her inside to see herself like this, looking like crap. Her hands shook as she removed her clothes and got into the shower.

The water felt refreshing, dripping down her back. But everything seemed dull. As she got out and put fresh clothes on, the door creaked open.

Luke stepped in, his eyes puffy.

"Luke, where you crying?" Nova turned to him.

"I was," He said, his voice cracking.

"Why?" Nova set down her brush and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend. Her heart hurt for him and for herself.

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