Chapter {28}

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Q-Favorite season?

A- I can't choose between Fall or spring honestly ❤️

enjoy the chapter!

"What was that about?" Lisanna says as the girls watch Natsu leave.

Lucy shrugs, she'd ask him about it later. "We'll find out later, but do you still want to know why I had to leave?" Lucy asks.

The girl's heads simultaneously turn towards her meaning the answer to that question is yes.

She motions for them to come over to her as she sneezes a few times.

They quickly gather around and on her bed to hear what she's going to tell them.

"My dad is in the hospital for kidney problems." She starts, earning a few gasps and widened eyes. They all talk at the same time asking questions like;

"is he gonna be okay?"

"How long has he been there?"

"What did the doctors say?"

It surprised Lucy they actually cared this much.

"Well, he's pretty sure he's going to die soon, and even though a doctor hasn't said anything about that, I'm starting to think he's right." She says.

The girls exchange glances. "Dang, that's really rough." Levy says putting her hand over her heart.

"I cant imagine how you must feel, Lucy." Mira says placing her hand over Lucy's.

Lucy shrugs. "I can't honestly tell you how I feel about it either." Lucy says truthfully, a sneeze following her words. The girls all give her confused looks at her comment.

"What do you mean?" Juvia asks.

Lucy let's out a silent sigh. "Well I don't talk about my father much, and I'm sure you noticed that I barely mention him as much as my mother. But there is a reason why." She says finally making eye contact with her friends.

She at this moment, realized these were people she could tell anything to. These were trust worthy beings who were good enough to know her deepest darkest secrets.

For the first time she wanted to tell someone something as personal as what her and her father's relationship was like.

"I'd like you guys to not tell anyone about this, please." she says before she takes a deep breath and starts from the beginning, when she was little.


Natsu was filled with vigor as he weaved through traffic.

He had already made up his mind on what he would say, how he would say it and all.

He knew what he was going to that hospital room for, and what he wanted was for Lucy to receive an apology from him. Jude was supposed to protect her from people who wanted to hurt her, yet he did most of the hurting.

It pained Natsu when he thought about how she lived with that everyday, and the fact that she thought it was her fault was something he hated. It enraged him at that.

And the culprit to her trauma couldn't care less about her, or even feel thankful that she came to visit him.

Once he reached the hospital he was ready to confront Jude. And he promised hisself that if he walked out of the hospital without Lucy's apology it be because he was kicked out.

He went past the front desk this time and walked straight towards Jude's room since he knew the way.

His friends always told him about how he was bad at controlling his anger. So before entering, he took three deep breaths.

He was sure that he going to have trouble controlling his anger around such and unpleasant man. But he had to for Lucy.

He opened the door swiftly and came in to see Lucy's father sitting up in the hospital bed eating some soup.

Jude looked at him but said nothing once he saw him.

Natsu expected a reaction like that.

Even in his position, he still didn't feel that he owed anyone any respect.

Natsu ignored it though, clearing his throat. "Mr. Heartfillia." Natsu says.

He receives no answer but Jude does put his soup down.

"I'm here to talk to you about Luce." Natsu says, unintentionally using his nickname for her.

At first the room just falls dead silent, but Jude does answer. "What about her?" He asks. All though the tone in his voice supposes he couldn't care less about anything that has to do with his daughter.

"You've really messed her up." Natsu starts. "She's not a happy person because of you." Natsu says as calmly as possible.

"And how is that my fault?" Jude asks.

Natsu sighs. "How do I know and you don't?" Natsu was surely holding back the will to explode at the old man.

"As a child, you neglected her and treated her as if you didn't want her. And she feels as if it's her fault that you hate her so much." Natsu says.

"Just the fact that you treated her that way is enough to make anyone have problems in life, but then you let her believe she's the reason why? You're truly a sick man." Natsu says.

Jude stays silent, a nonchalant expression on his face.

"You owe her an apology." Natsu says. "It won't make up for anything, but at least she'll feel like you care, even if you don't." He says.

The room falls silent after Natsu's speech. Jude continued to stare at him, not one sign of him feeling remorse for what he did.

Though, after a long pause of silence, Jude utters two words.

"You're right."


Sorry it's really short but I'm posting two today to make up for not posting one yesterday.

That's all

Bye. Have a fuzzy day.

935 words

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